
Half filled profiles... why?

I've noticed that sometimes people "forget" to fill in one thing on the "appearance" tab. Haha. When I see:

shape: evenly proportioned
hair colour: light brown
eye color: blue
looks: good looking
height: 0"0'

...I'm only going to assume they're 5 foot. Come on shorties, we're not gonna judge you! (Well, some people might, but let's say it all goes really well with Miss gorgeous n chubby, and you meet up... she's gonna notice).
10 years

Half filled profiles... why?

My personal opinion, none of the sections are really that useful to either girl or guy.

If the interest section worked like tags, and you could search for people with similar interests, it would become handy and encourage people to use it. Although I could probably see that ending up as a paid feature lol. Right now it’s just a section you have to click on to view people’s…favorite car? If you're not into fashion, TV, movies, or cars, your interest section is going to look pretty blank. Now if we were talking trains instead of cars, a GE Dash 9 Locomotive OH BBY PULL DEM FREIGHTS.

A person would probably have to be very active on the forums, shoutbox, and chat to really want to fill out their profile. The about section also doesn’t display well, so if someone were to load it with a ton of information it would become a thin, narrow, wall of text that isn’t comfortable to read.
10 years

Half filled profiles... why?

I agree that there are a lot of 1/2 filled to basically empty profiles.I also agree it adds up to all the excuses seen.When in chat(Even before I became a mod) I checked/check profiles for several reasons.With some nicks you can't tell if male or female.If there are no avatar pics or in somecases a cartoon or non-human object you can't always tell either.I like to read them to see what we may have in common besides this site itself.It helps me converse with new folks & help them to open up more in chat & feel comfortable.However I'm not going to condemn those who don't fill them out.They just make me a little suspicious until I get to know them for who they are.
10 years