
Size of friends?

I'm far and away the VERY fattest of my friends. In High School I had I think two or three friends that were at the chubby level, none bigger. And that's how it remained for most of my life.

The majority of my friends are slim, and often rather short now that I think of it. I wonder if this says something about my psyche...
11 years

Size of friends?

I'm the biggest of all my friends. they're all thin to average sized.
11 years

Size of friends?

I have a wide variety of sized friends. The majority of my male friends are average. I think because we originally connected over athletics and outdoor recreation. They are still very much not so muchsmiley
11 years

Size of friends?

A variety - but the average is average sized.
11 years

Size of friends?

I often wish I had more friends near my size. I think it'd be funny to get together with a bunch of other 400+lb guys and go to an AYCE place and see what the staff does.
11 years

Size of friends?

OniGumo wrote:
I often wish I had more friends near my size. I think it'd be funny to get together with a bunch of other 400+lb guys and go to an AYCE place and see what the staff does.

Now that's a good idea!
11 years

Size of friends?

well im currently the biggest in my group of friends and slowly increasing that gap as well...None them seam to care or mind
10 years

Size of friends?

Most of my friends and thin to average. I wish I had more chubby girlfriends!!! Ones who liked their bodies instead of obsessing about losing.
10 years

Size of friends?

I'm probably the heaviest of my friends, barring my wife whose a smidge bigger than me. One of my friends got pretty big at one point but is a lot lighter again. Another may be close in weight, but is more muscular due to years of lifting weights.

However I keep up with them not too badly.
10 years

Size of friends?

What are these friends you speak of?
10 years
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