
Fattening in video games

pizza222 wrote:
Is it possible to have a (big) woman character in Fable ?

In Fable 2 yes, I've heard that.
11 years

Fattening in video games

San Andreas was quite funny when after like 5-7 trips to a restaurant CJ would balloon up. Pedestrians would actually make fun of his weight and he would brush it off. lol
11 years

Fattening in video games

Greywinter wrote:
OH I love this thread! Let's see, ayou said, there is S. Andreas. Growing fatter makes you slower but also more resistant (if I remember well). Fable 2, yes, where you can find a door wich is basically an FA (a magic and talking door of course) and it will open only for a fat hero lol. The Sims but I was a bit disappointed by that, because you can make your sims grow only to a plump size smiley
The best is FAT PRINCESS, a PSN games wich I have buy immediatly, where you've basically to take from the other team your princess and keep in prison the rival princess. And for take her in your castle, you've to make she grow fat! And she can grow really really fat and cute smiley (this imply more enemy team members to take her away from you castle, because is fatter ^^) I've always love to chose the workes class and keep feeding cakes to the princess and make her grow (since I was one of the few to do that, it was a winning strategy lol). I totally suggest fat princess if you own a PS3 smiley

GreyWinter if your looking for a better run in The Sims 3 I might recommend these mods:

Consort's Weight gain and fitness mod

... and CAS's Slider mod

Both make the game far more interesting and allow for much bigger Sims. I've heard various stripes of Saints Row allows for bigger characters. If you look on Deviantart there's a veritable plethora of simpler Flash based weight gain games.
10 years