
Just a post game.

Ok so this is how it works, the person after you will post something that happens to you, say for instance Joe Shmoe posts and then Sameold Suzen posts after him, whatever she says, happens to Joe and then someone posts after her and so on and so on. I got bored and this is what happened :/
10 years

Just a post game.

Roy wrote:
in English please.

That was English?
10 years

Just a post game.

Wannabe Chef wrote:
that didn't make sense sorry =\

Fffff ill try to reword in >.< just let this thread die.
10 years

Just a post game.

11qwaqwa wrote:
Ok so this is how it works, the person after you will post something that happens to you, say for instance Joe Shmoe posts and then Sameold Suzen posts after him, whatever she says, happens to Joe and then someone posts after her and so on and so on. I got bored and this is what happened :/

This sounds like some kind of juju black magic schizz. You mean like, if Sameold Suzen says "Joe Shmoe gets a bad attack of green boils", that actually happens to Joe? Omg I never knew forums were such powerful Wiccan forces. We just have to be really really careful no-one misuses the power. So like, let's have a site rule that no-one says "Joe Shmoe gets a stake through the heart and dies" okaaayyy cos that could get messy.
10 years