
Question for ffa- body type

TheCannibal wrote:
I like 300+ pound guys with a big, soft apron belly. But he's gotta have thick arms and thighs and double chin too.

add a beard to that and you just described me...
11 years

Question for ffa- body type

I think you'll find the same amount of variation in FFAs' preferences as you do with FAs....

Personally although my default preference is for skinny men, I do love a big round belly on a man. As much like a beach ball as possible. I like that taut, firm, stuffed/bloated look. Don't mind if they're skinny, athletic, muscly-gone-to-seed, or a little chubby, as long as their belly is disproportionate to the rest of them smiley
11 years

Question for ffa- body type

TheCannibal wrote:
I like 300+ pound guys with a big, soft apron belly. But he's gotta have thick arms and thighs and double chin too.

Double chin? thats a first that i've heard of. That's good to know some of you girls like the double chin
11 years

Question for ffa- body type

hmmm that was al very interesting to read of you ladies thoughts ^^

And i would love to just let a girl shape my belly to her desires maybe witha little bit of rsistance at first ;-)

and i would love to try slimming down again some time and get seduced again to eat more and gain back just a little more be shocked about how chubby i got again ;-)from beeing so fit once ...
11 years

Question for ffa- body type

I'm very glad to read that lots of girls like an "all over" fatty. Because that's what I am. Everything (and I mean everything) jiggles.
11 years

Question for ffa- body type

Squishy is awesome. I like a nice soft round tummy, but prefer if it's not hard. The rock hard beer belly doesn't do as much for me. My opinion is that the most wondrous thing on earth is a soft tummy in a thin, white, tight tshirt, holy moly.

I also love big thighs and a big butt, and it is really rare to find men shaped that way. For most overweight men, they wind up with trim legs, thighs, and butt, and a big hard belly. All bellies are beautiful, but what is best is just a matter of taste.

I like tall men too. Basically just big. There's a Norwegian country singer, light years younger than me, who has what I would consider the perfect body. I can't stop looking at pics of that guy. LOL Chubby guys are so hot. Dreamy.
11 years

Question for ffa- body type

It's very, very rare for a man to have a pear shape. I think it's a hormonal thing. But I for one do love big thighs and bottom, which is pear shaped to some extent. smiley
10 years

Question for ffa- body type

I love guys with a big butt, thick legs and a bit of belly hang.
A double chin is nice too.
One thing that makes me drool at a guy is when his belly peeks out under his T shirt when he is dressed more casual.
A big man in a 3 piece suit looking all dapper oh yeah I'm putty in his hands.
I always dated the bigger boys in HS and my GF's thought I was crazy.
I was on the dance team and all the girls had the athletic type BF's and I went for the nerdy fat boys.
I found the nerdy chubby boys were much nicer and had better personalities.
So cute when I would meet a boy's parents for the first time for dinner or something and I would always talk about how cute their son was as I was hanging on his arm.
The same boy took me to the prom and he looked so handsome when he picked me up I almost cried, when he put on my wrist corsage I felt his belly rub my arm and I about died it was soo hot.
So yeah fat guys are dreamy.smiley
10 years

Question for ffa- body type

I'm kinda 'thick' all over, but also upper body heavy so to speak. Thick legs, smaller butt. I'd love to have a *** even as a guy, but I'm not complaining cause my belly is growing very nicely.

But anyway, this thread proves that girls have as many preferences as boys, which is great. One of the best thing about fat is diversity. Everyone gets fat in a different way. Skinny people all look the same,so boring smiley
10 years

Question for ffa- body type

Roy I think your lower belly is really cute. When a guy pulls his pants up and tightens the belt up so it splits the belly into 2 huge mounds.
Oh lordy that is hot.
Neptune I agree skinny guys are boring.smiley
10 years
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