
Does stuffing arouse you?

I definitely don't get aroused if I'm stuffing myself. Now watching a woman stuff is a definite turn on!
11 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

Like you wouldn't believe. Especially if what I'm cramming in my mouth is something that's fattening in the extreme.

Such as Heavy Cream and TruMoo (Chocolate milk) mixed in equal parts. Chug that down, instant arousal just thinking about all the myriad hundreds of calories I'm gulping down.
11 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

Public stuffing does it for me too. I like to think that people are looking at the "Big Fat Guy" in disbelief as he puts down his 30th slice of pizza.
11 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

Up until this past Winter I would have said arouse was too strong of a word. For sure titillate, a turn on to a degree, but more sort of setting the mood for getting aroused than actually arousing.

Then I tried some crazily caloric stuffing stuff, like a litre of heavy cream mixed with about half a package of chocolate cake mix. First chug of that three thousand calorie concoction a wave of pure arousal swept through me.

So now I'd say yes it does, if it is extreme enough.
11 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

^^^That's my thoughts exactly. If it's ridiculously fattening then I get much more out of it than if it's something mid-level fattening like, say, a pizza buffet.

Heavy Cream and Chocolate milk are a very stimulating one. And Little Debbie's cakes are another one that get me going.
11 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

Oh yes, stuffing is a definate turn on. I have to agree with others here that the anticipation of stuffing is nearly equaly arousing. Just the thought of totally letting go is awesome.

ned fox
11 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

I used to only enjoy watching women stuff. . And for years i couldn't imagine anything else. Recently i got the idea how much fun it would be to get REALLY big nd have your significant other stuff you till you were so full you couldn't move. I especially like having my mouth full and trying to stuff in.more.. such a turn on
11 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

ohh yesss! ;-) smiley

and i would so love to experience a girl using that against my still not so big belly ;-)
11 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

Stuffing myself and knowing I was going to gain more weight was a huge turn on.
Stuffing in public was one thing that took me almost to the point of an orgasm.Silly I know but I loved it.
10 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

The thought of being stuffed is VERY arousing to me, along with having my belly rubbed during and after.
10 years
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