
Faceless pictures

I'm wary of faceless profiles after seeing my share of fakes, however I can totally understand real people choosing not to show their face, which is why I don't write them completely off.

Originally I wasn't a fan of showing my face either, but when I realised that this site isn't easy to find unless you're looking for it; I figured if someone I know is a member, I probably wouldn't mind finding out. smiley
11 years

Faceless pictures

Because of personal issues ,and the fact I have an ex partner who is a member here (she doesn't post but I would not tread on her toes if she decides to ) I choose not to
have photos here,but anyone wishing to see a pic would be free to PM me to arrange this without fusssmiley
11 years

Faceless pictures

While I like to see face pictures, I can understand people needing privacy. If someone is a teacher, do they want their students seeing their weight gain? How about lawyers who need dignity? Or just people worrying about persepctive employers seeing them naked or into fetishes.
11 years

Faceless pictures

Are we really having this discussion again?

To those who seem to disapprove of those who don't post face pics, I don't think you're considering all the factors.

I agree with johnxyz and some of the other posters above.

For many people on here, it's not just a question of not wanting others to find out that they find fat people attractive, or are proud of their size.

This isn't a fat admiration site alone. It's a fetish site to do with feederism.

Lots of my forum posts are about sex.

I would certainly not want my family, "vanilla" friends, co-workers or potential employers knowing the content of some of my forum posts on here. It's the same as someone who's into BDSM probably preferring to keep it private. You only need someone to link your face photo on here to your user name and then to your forum posts for them to have some potentially very embarrassing information about you.

I'm not ashamed, I just don't need those who may not be as open-minded as me to know that I want someone to do me from behind whilst face down in cake, or to stuff a boy with macaroons, that I like to water-bloat or that I find a tape measure erotic.

Of course I could choose not to post such comments but I prefer to have some outlet for discussion, whilst keeping my face and real-life identity minimally discoverable.

I agree the internet is a big place. But you don't even have to be poking around on sites like this to find stuff. It only takes one mischievous other person (who might legitimately be an FA/feeder/other but who is less careful about others' privacy) to send an email to another with a link to your photo, or re-post your photo on another website, probably not even maliciously, and *bang* your private life is public.

As a self-employed person in a public-facing profession, and as a future possible applicant for positions which can be targeted by blackmailers, and for which I have to apply to government departments, my reputation is everything. There are people upon whom my livelihood depends whose outlooks maybe more blinkered than mine and whose opinions could affect my career.

In relation to the posts above, it also doesn't sit well with me for a thin person whose appearance fits in with society's ideals to be telling fat people, who are vilified by society generally, what parts of being fat, eg. being identified on a "fat site", they should be okay with.

If it's a choice of being knowing I can pay my mortgage because my work is secure or having certain people not talk to me because I don't have face pics, then I know which I'm choosing.

It's a site devoted to fat. So I'm showing my fat bits. I don't want or need my face discussed. I'm not looking for a partner, I just want to discuss the subject matter of this site with like-minded people. For that to happen, they don't need to know what I look like.

If they're really bothered that I might be fake, there are dozens of forum posts by me and a brief glance will show that I go to the meet-ups and events in my town. There are more ways to tell if someone is fake than the mere fact they don't post their face.
11 years

Faceless pictures

Maximum wrote:
I'm wary of faceless profiles after seeing my share of fakes, however I can totally understand real people choosing not to show their face, which is why I don't write them completely off.

Originally I wasn't a fan of showing my face either, but when I realised that this site isn't easy to find unless you're looking for it; I figured if someone I know is a member, I probably wouldn't mind finding out. smiley
This entirely. Lets not ignore those that do not show their faces as foxglove said there are many ways to find out whether someone is real. Indeed until Softgirl started going to meetups she didn't show her face either. I can assure everyone here that both Softgirl and foxglove are very real.

As for showing your face and someone you know that you didn't know was on here finding you, that is something I find rather exciting. Because if they do say something to you about this site, then you now know that they too must have some reason for coming here, particularly if they have spent plenty of time looking at pictures to then find you. Maybe that someone could be who you have been looking for.
11 years

Faceless pictures

I don't have a face and I am offended.
11 years

Faceless pictures

clive2007 wrote:
JamesTheGiantPaunch wrote:
As much fun as it would be, work precludes me from posting pics with my face, especially on a site like this.

Are you in government or something? That would be an obvious red flag and bone fide reason for not posting a face shot here.

Otherwise, since you quoted work, unless you visited the site at work or posted a picture while at work, how would anyone know about your connections with it?

Unless you know anybody at work who also peruses this site perhaps? Or even if you didn't know they were looking at the site, wouldn't they be in the same boat as you and so would not talk to anybody about it, except perhaps you in private if thus inclined?

Still, despite everything, its still down to the person concerned 100% as to whether or not they choose to post a face pic or full body shot etc.


Clive, other people have mentioned already the reasons for work stopping you wanting to post face pics.

1. you may be in a public-facing profession
2. you may have to apply for jobs or want custom from an organisation where someone finding out you are a member of a fetish site may not put you at an advantage or may even disqualify you (eg. certain posts discourage applicants who may be "blackmailable"smiley
3. It is not just those perusing this site who may come across your picture. Once on the internet it can be used, forwarded, posted elsewhere. It may not even be just mischeivous misuse that causes that. Someone who is legitimately on the site for their own reasons could do it innocently by forwarding "omg look who I found" to a friend etc. Linking a face and your true identity to your username (and therefore posts etc) on here then means that information about your sexual proclivities is suddenly available to those who have no need to know.
4. It is common practice for personnel departments or those vetting applicants for jobs to google you. If there is information online to link your real name to your FF username you could be turned down for a job or it could make your job insecure.
5. not sure why you differentiate government posts from other jobs of responsibility or in fact from any other work at all?
11 years

Faceless pictures

@ Clive, no I don't think "a rebuttal is in order", since my reasons remain my reasons. They are valid for me and others and I'm delighted for you that they don't apply to you. Now quit quibbling, or it will start to get boring.
11 years

Faceless pictures

its cuz theyre ugly
11 years

Faceless pictures

" if someone doesn't agree, well he can kiss my big butt."

Can I do it anyway, Wondy!smiley
11 years
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