
Telling your friends

Hi people not sure if this has been brought up before but I was wondering if any one is having a problem with their friends about being a feeder or feedee?

Ok so a few years ago I was having dinner with my friends and we where talking about the kind of guys we like. At that point in time i was dating a online feedee and i had not told them. He was coming out again to see me and i wanted them to met him. I wasnt a shamed of him or being a feeder but I didnt know how they would reacted to my life choice.
When I told them what i was and who he was they looked at me with this blank staire and quickly threw out as many questions as they could. After answering them and my friends said they understood and where fine as long as i was happy.
Fast forward to last night, am having dinner with one of my friends and she randomly ask me if I would ever date a guy that "normal with muscles". I told her no as that was not the kind of guys i like; to which she replied " i had not given it a chance. What if the guy was madlly in love with you." I told her no again and she said ok and changed the subject.Ten mins later we where back on the same subject.
After 30 mins of explaining to her again what i was and what i like she finally gave in and said as long as i was happy.
I know she meant that with her heart as we have been friends since 4th grade and have been threw everything. But i still find myself wondering if she fulling understands.
So my question is have any of you guys had this happen? If so how are you dealing with it?
11 years

Telling your friends

As was pointed out a while ago on another thread, there is a big difference between FA/BBW,BHM and Feeder/feedee. One is a prference/size, the other is sexual. No one needs to know your sexual preferences.

Obviously no one can hide being a BBW/BHM. As far as sn FA, I just routinely say I prefer large women.

But most people do not talk about being a feedee/feeder. You can quickly gloss over the situation by saying, "I enjoy eating," or I like a partner with a good appetite. But no need to go into details.
11 years

Telling your friends

russiandoll wrote:
Hi people not sure if this has been brought up before but I was wondering if any one is having a problem with their friends about being a feeder or feedee?

Ok so a few years ago I was having dinner with my friends and we where talking about the kind of guys we like. At that point in time i was dating a online feedee and i had not told them. He was coming out again to see me and i wanted them to met him. I wasnt a shamed of him or being a feeder but I didnt know how they would reacted to my life choice.
When I told them what i was and who he was they looked at me with this blank staire and quickly threw out as many questions as they could. After answering them and my friends said they understood and where fine as long as i was happy.
Fast forward to last night, am having dinner with one of my friends and she randomly ask me if I would ever date a guy that "normal with muscles". I told her no as that was not the kind of guys i like; to which she replied " i had not given it a chance. What if the guy was madlly in love with you." I told her no again and she said ok and changed the subject.Ten mins later we where back on the same subject.
After 30 mins of explaining to her again what i was and what i like she finally gave in and said as long as i was happy.
I know she meant that with her heart as we have been friends since 4th grade and have been threw everything. But i still find myself wondering if she fulling understands.
So my question is have any of you guys had this happen? If so how are you dealing with it?

It sounds to me like she knows someone like she just described who has the hots for you. Watch out, you may have a little matchmaker on your hands.
11 years

Telling your friends

Sketchman wrote:
russiandoll wrote:
Hi people not sure if this has been brought up before but I was wondering if any one is having a problem with their friends about being a feeder or feedee?

Ok so a few years ago I was having dinner with my friends and we where talking about the kind of guys we like. At that point in time i was dating a online feedee and i had not told them. He was coming out again to see me and i wanted them to met him. I wasnt a shamed of him or being a feeder but I didnt know how they would reacted to my life choice.
When I told them what i was and who he was they looked at me with this blank staire and quickly threw out as many questions as they could. After answering them and my friends said they understood and where fine as long as i was happy.
Fast forward to last night, am having dinner with one of my friends and she randomly ask me if I would ever date a guy that "normal with muscles". I told her no as that was not the kind of guys i like; to which she replied " i had not given it a chance. What if the guy was madlly in love with you." I told her no again and she said ok and changed the subject.Ten mins later we where back on the same subject.
After 30 mins of explaining to her again what i was and what i like she finally gave in and said as long as i was happy.
I know she meant that with her heart as we have been friends since 4th grade and have been threw everything. But i still find myself wondering if she fulling understands.
So my question is have any of you guys had this happen? If so how are you dealing with it?

It sounds to me like she knows someone like she just described who has the hots for you. Watch out, you may have a little matchmaker on your hands.

Yes i have thought about that. I have even asked her if she knew someone and she said no.
10 years

Telling your friends

Xutjja Plag wrote:
If you're going to share that aspect of your life with your friends then you have to expect some questions. You have to remember that feedism and fat admiration aren't things that the general populace is usually educated in.

Yes i know there is going to be question and i dont mind that. What i do mind is that she acted like we are not normal when, she herself should "not be calling the kettel back" as they say. My friend is a good friend and i love her like a sister but, it made mad that she would say that. Maybe am taking it to heart to much.
10 years

Telling your friends

All of my friends know I like big girls. I'm pretty open about that.

However, I've only told one or two of them that I'm purposely gaining weight. I mean, anybody who knew me in high school can see that I've put on quite a bit of weight. I'm just not ready to admit to them that I did it on purpose.
10 years

Telling your friends

WaistingAway wrote:
Never once told somebody in the 'general' population I liked the idea of a woman getting fat (or fatter) on purpose.

I was out to dinner with a lovely lady last night who I've know for quite some time and who has recently gained a lot of weight. I would have loved to say something like, "You look so much prettier now that you've gotten fatter. I think you made the right choice."

Can't say that in the "real" world so I say it here.

You can probably say something to let her know you like it. Even something like, "you look good. Did you change your hair style." or "new clothes?"
10 years