
Having to lose weight :(

Time to let him go if he only is attracted to you for your weight.
I'm sad for you that is just not right.
11 years

Having to lose weight :(

I had a gf who lost weight. It was definitely a buzz kill while she was losing, but when she hit her target weight* and stayed there for awhile I eventually adjusted.

Not sure if the same will happen with your bf, but there's a good chance. If you care about each other, hang in there!

* She was still chubby there, just not as much as before. If she had actually gotten THIN I may have had a problem!
11 years

Having to lose weight :(

I'm glad he still finds you attractive and is still in love with you so maybe you can work it out.
I hope so anyway good luck.
11 years

Having to lose weight :(

This subject is close to my heart because i lost my guy of 8 years over loosing weight.
It was health reasons and I had to lose a lot and he had a hard time dealing with it.
I did too because I loved being heavy soo much but I have managed to work thru it.
11 years

Having to lose weight :(

It different for everybody all you can do is try your best to cope with it.
We had a great relationship for a long time.He had seen me go from 115 lbs to 375+ and I thought with him enjoying my foodee fetish it would last but it didn't.
It hurts when the one you love soo deeply and do so much for is more into how much you weigh than who you are as a person.It takes all kinds I guess.
11 years

Having to lose weight :(

I went thru a rough time dealing with it for sure.
Was dating an older man for a while but he quit calling so I guess I'll keep looking.
I always pic the wrong men to fall in love with LOL.
11 years

Having to lose weight :(

I never seem to pick the right guys for me and sometimes it feels like I expect too much from a guy.
Attraction is not the only thing personality plays a big role too.
I don't care if he is the hottest guy out there or has the best body, just a solid connection that will last would make me happy.I seem to always get the jerks.
My dream would be to find a guy that was not so full of himself and was more humble.Plus let me fatten him up.LOL
11 years

Having to lose weight :(

Introduce food into your sex.Let him tie you up and feed you,fantasise during sex about getting really'll turn him on and with your high metabolism,you'll stay slim.
11 years

Having to lose weight :(

Obviously guys are visual and us FA are not only visual but like the feel also.

This is a suggestion kind of like a band aid fix...... Us FA's who are into weight gain have good fantasy type imaginations so why don't you role play with him and tease him with fat talk about how fat your going to get and possibly even pad and stuff your clothing. Maybe even get a high end fat suit and role play out you getting even bigger than you probably could get in real life. He might get some crazy satisfaction from just hugging you and seeing you that big not to mention our seductive fat talk you would be doing.
11 years

Having to lose weight :(

Sounds to me like an immaturity problem.

This guy got lucky and got a girl to indulge his fetish, but the experience has gone to his head and now that things have to change, he's thinking he doesn't want to not be able to enjoy a fat and gaining gf so he's going to cut off his nose to spite his face, mistakenly thinking he can just ditch you and find another girl who will continue to satisfy him.

Most likely he'll selfishly leave and break your heart without much concern, only to come crawling back in the following weeks/months saying how sorry he is and how wrong he was.

Or maybe I'm just being cynical. :/

Either way, I'm sorry that you have to go through this, I hope it works out for the best for you.
10 years