
Weight gain retreat?

sweetsexychubby wrote:
There are a lot of weight loss retreats and "fat camps" advertised online, but so far I've only been able to find one for gainers, Seattle Gainer House, which seems to have very limited availability.

Does anybody know if something like this exists? Or more specifically, if there were a b&b/retreat space where you could go to be constantly stuffed and fed for the duration of your vacation, would you go?

There are enough people into gaining that it might be a lucrative business a swank spa plus a lot a lot of food...essentially the opposite of a weight-loss spa.

I'd look into it if it existed. For my own indulgence and to see about finding another to enjoy it with me smiley
11 years

Weight gain retreat?

I looked it up it does exist.
11 years

Weight gain retreat?

You could make a killing with a non-homosexual focused one. Would be cool
11 years

Weight gain retreat?

El Odio wrote:
You could make a killing with a non-homosexual focused one. Would be cool

yes a straight one might be worth going to.
11 years

Weight gain retreat?

I must say, I'd be very interested in spending a few days in a more straight oriented "Gainer House", or at least one that acknowledges a mixture of Straight/Gay couples.
11 years

Weight gain retreat?

It does seem to be a real thing: Fat Nat tells the story:">Gaining Life at 47:30

There's one guy, TipTheScales, who finances the whole thing. I'm not clear if eveyone can go for free, but some can. Gainers typically go for a week and pig out the whole time.

Maybe there'll be a heterosexual one someday!
10 years

Weight gain retreat?

tridan22 wrote:
but that doesn't mean you can't go to the gainer house if you're straight.

Thanks for clearing that up. It does seem to be limited to male gainers though. That's a pretty serious limitation in my book!

You just have to make sure your boundaries are set, I guess.

Apparently they have a no-sex rule (though belly-rubs and cuddling are allowed).
10 years

Weight gain retreat?

IcecreamMan wrote:I hope they keep a record of who gains the most during their stay.

Yeah, they have a public weigh-in and weigh-out. One guy gained 18 lbs in a week!
10 years

Weight gain retreat?

Vegas has all day buffet passes?!

Why am I still in Philly?! Krykies!
10 years