
Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

There's some freak on youtube and probably here too that does this weird sound effect/action block thing like, *BELLY GURGLE*, or *rubs tummy and moan*. It creeps me the hell out.
10 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

my favorite lame message as of late was "looking good...what about your personality?"

my response: "it sucks"
10 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

softly wrote:
Yes...what is it with blokes thinking we want to see their genitals? Lol...not exactly the prettiest of things...smiley

Excuse me, I'll have you know that my wang looks downright dapper when I put the little top hat and monocle on it.
10 years
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