
Being a fat yogi?

I do yoga, or try to, every morning. Lately I haven't done so well in that regard, getting to bed a bit later than I'd intended yada yada yada. But I'd like to know if anyone else here is also into yoga? Right now I follow a program called Power Yoga: Mind and Body with Adrienne Reed. I can approximate most poses, but for some there's just too much of me in the way for them to be possible. So, that brings me to the second part of why I'm posting this. Does anyone know if there are any good "Yoga for the Obese" programs out there? I've tried to find them before but turned up nothing. If there isn't I still do reasonably well with what I'm working with now.
10 years

Being a fat yogi?

I can do reasonably well with what I'm currently following so I'll probably stick with that. At least until I can afford to start buying DVDs.
10 years

Being a fat yogi?

I practice yoga and love it. Nobody is "too fat" for yoga. Your body changes and evolves with your practice - holding a certain pose may be difficult initially, but in time you will improve. My suggestion is to start with basic hatha poses and look for a modification move when neccesary. Check out yoga straps and blocks if you need them. Don't give up!
10 years

Being a fat yogi?

I've got yoga straps and blocks (I use them a lot). I've been doing yoga since...probably last fall or so.
10 years

Being a fat yogi?

Ugh...blugh. I despise the Sun Salutations. They're just evil...

And don't worry about me not warming up/cooling down. Power Yoga: Mind and Body includes a warm up series and a cool down series at the beginning and end of each episode.


Also, it can be a little rough on the wrists and ankles. Long holds in Chair, and the Virabhadrasana poses are especially hard on my ankles. But it's not exactly painful, I think of it more as "feeling the burn" I guess. Either way it abates quickly after releasing out of the poses.

Also, there's really just "too much of me" in the way for me to effectively bind. I can't do vajrasana (not the proper sanskrit name for the pose I'm thinking of. In fact I can't find any evidence that the pose I'm thinking of even exists in real yoga... But from the images I found for vajrasana I can't do that one either) because I can't bend back far enough to grab my ankles (other poses are similarly off the table for that reason).
10 years

Being a fat yogi?

A fat Yogi? This chap seemed to manage:
10 years

Being a fat yogi?

In the intervening time since my last post the network that ran Power Yoga: Mind and Body took it off the air. Which really really sucks. I'd gotten to where it was part of my schedule almost every day and now I have trouble taking the initiative to do it on my own. It's been over a month since I've done yoga, and I'm starting to notice a difference in my fitness level. (Rubs temples) Hopefully I'll be able to get DVD's for it soon, but at the moment I need to try and at least do some weight lifting in it's place. But even that's hard.

Wish me luck.
10 years