

Jexxx wrote
i'm serching for a cream like nutella but... white chocolate? anyone knows one white chocolate cream like nutella? maybe in europe... smiley
my bf wants this white cream so hard but i can't find it anywere smiley
help meeee! smiley i have to find this 'cause he need some new pounds smiley

I know we got a milkyway spread here?

Not sure if its what your looking for or if you even have it over there:

14 years


I found this when I was in the German speaking countries. Omg so good!

For an amazing treat, try toast, buttered first, with a thick layer of Nutella, and then Milo sprinkled on top of it!
14 years


STUFF OF THE GODS. Dip pretzels in it. Heaven is a place on Earth.
10 years


Sad news for Italy's richest man - the inventor of Nutella died yesterday:
9 years


I got to enjoy this tonight, in smores sandwich form. Nutella and mini marshmallows, cooked up the same way you would grilled cheese. It's melty and delicious and amazing.
9 years


i love a good bit of nutella, tastes great plus using the glass 200g packs like i do give you great and perky drinking glasses once you're done with the nutella, great for those who love nutella and have recently moved house either for the first time like me or those who have done more than once
9 years


TheLastFairy wrote:

That's me!

Very good! smiley
9 years


Nutella is proof that God exists . . .

. . . and She loves us very very much!
9 years


I love Nutella... Just yesterday I ate a whole jar of it. I put it on practically everything. Can definitely blame a few pounds on it. Mmmm now maybe I need to go to the store to replace that empty jar. smiley
9 years
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