Lifestyle tips

Looking for a "fulling" job.

I just started working at a job a few months ago. Sadly, to my surprise... I started to lose weight! :o

I want to find a better work place for a feedee/gainer but I have no idea where to look? I have asked numerous of people but was told to go look at Wal-mart.... :

I have heard that McDonalds a good place.... Anyone else may know a good place to "grow"?
10 years

Looking for a "fulling" job.

I wouldn't exactly call Wal-Mart a good place to work if you want to gain. I lost quite a bit of weight while working there and I definitely was not trying. My store is one of the busiest in the region and was I always very active throughout the shift.

I think your best bet is something sedentary like MaddMiss suggested, or better yet, a work at home opportunity if you can find one.
10 years

Looking for a "fulling" job.

Over the road truck driver, boss hundreds of miles away. For the single person great career, pays better than retail. Eat, sleep, and work in the same space. Break when you want, work when you want. (So long as you make delivery). Many drivers are rather rotund.
8 years

Looking for a "fulling" job.

As an one who spent 6 years in a call center, 9 years in an office and 3 years driving over the road, I can second what's been said previously about each of those.

With the office, it depends. A small office with a few diet obsessed skinny coworkers might not work as well as a small office where several are already chubby or where they are very social and like to take lunch together or have a pot luck on Fridays. Call centers are stressful and you're tied to a phone. Comfort food rules. :-) Most important thing though, is to do something you enjoy. If you interview, arrive a bit early and observe the other workers and the work environment. Be around the area at lunch time or the end of the workday and observe the activity. Might even ask someone if it's a good place to work and why. I've done that numerous times when considering a job change. :-)
8 years

Looking for a "fulling" job.

does any one know of any work from home legit jobs?

That's the type I'm looking for as well; I'd love to just edit and/or proofread papers all day.
8 years

Looking for a "fulling" job.

a web designer/developer is a pretty solid way to make a lot of money working from home.

If you can find clients. Thats always been my issue..
8 years