

Has anyone here gained intentionally and hit a weight point they couldn't gain past?

On the one hand it could be frustrating, because you might not be able to get as big as you wanted.

On the other hand, it might be nice because you could eat all you want and not have to worry about getting TOO big.

If this has happened to you: 1) what weight did you hit that you couldn't get past? 2) How much did you gain on purpose before you hit that point? 3) Are you happy with the results?
10 years


I've got some background on this, doc. When someone who's rapidly gaining weight hits a plateau, it's usually because the existing fat cells are all full. They then take extra energy, and at least a few days, to divide into two smaller fat cells. That's why you can keep eating and not gain anything.

When the process is finished, you can gain weight even more quickly, and it's more difficult to get back to your starting weight.

For a thin person, the first plateau tends to happen after 25-30 pounds. The next one is a lot further on because there are about twice as many fat cells to fill.
10 years


soylentlilac wrote:
I've got some background on this, doc. When someone who's rapidly gaining weight hits a plateau, it's usually because the existing fat cells are all full. They then take extra energy, and at least a few days, to divide into two smaller fat cells. That's why you can keep eating and not gain anything.

When the process is finished, you can gain weight even more quickly, and it's more difficult to get back to your starting weight.

For a thin person, the first plateau tends to happen after 25-30 pounds. The next one is a lot further on because there are about twice as many fat cells to fill.

So as long as you keep eating a lot then you should break past the plateau?

I guess it makes sense as I was stuck at 110kg for ages then pig out massively for 2 weeks straight and now have jumped up 120kg in what feels like a very short time.
10 years


I seem to have hit my first plateau, since I started gaining at around 170 pounds I gained to about 230. I feel like I've been eating a ton, but the pounds don't stick anymore since a month or so. Hopefully it will pass soon and I can grow a little more.
10 years