
What is your "food kryptonite"

I would say for me...any casserole dish with all the fixin's and yeast rolls. I've got to say, this is something that I would send me over the edge. I cannot help but overeat everytime I have a home cooked old-fashion meal.
I know I just said casserole. But another food kryptonite of mine... Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, two veggies, and yeast rolls!

Dessert kryptonite...anything with chocolate.
11 years

What is your "food kryptonite"

Anything from her fingertips to my mouth!
11 years

What is your "food kryptonite"

my food kryptonite are cakes... i can eat tons of cake
11 years

What is your "food kryptonite"

Melted ice cream goes down like no other and thickens me more than anything else.
11 years

What is your "food kryptonite"

For me it's spaghetti and garlic cheese bread, bbq ribs, buffalo wings, cheese fries (especially with ranch dressing or fry sauce) salt and vinegar chips, the new spicy hot wings Doritos, Doritos with bean dip, taco salad, egg salad sandwiches, peanut butter shakes, and peanut butter ice cream.
11 years

What is your "food kryptonite"

cheesecake or Alfredo pasta
10 years

What is your "food kryptonite"

any form of nachos.
any variety of cheese.
I'm a bottomless pit for either.
10 years

What is your "food kryptonite"

PASTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Plain & simpe give me ANY kind of pasta & I'm happy!
10 years

What is your "food kryptonite"

Angel Hair with meat sauce and parm cheese.

Angel hair, don't give me spaghetti unless you want to to stop after the first bowl! haha
10 years

What is your "food kryptonite"

Mine is Custard... Anything with custard in it.
10 years
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