Submission and domination

More submissive as you gain?

i've become more submissive as i've gotten bigger. i'm not sure if its due to feeling more feminine, or because i'm figuring more out about myself.
13 years

More submissive as you gain?

I've got a theory about this. I'm quite large, not terribly submissive but definitely not dominant either. I think it has more to do with the extra weight taking up more of your bodies available energy than it has to do with any feminizing effect of weight gain.

My theory anyway
13 years

More submissive as you gain?

It kind of makes sense physiologically speaking. Hormones can sometimes be stored in excess adipost tissue. So if you think about it, not only do feedees not want to move around more makes them more submissive, but say in the case of male feedees their testosterone to some exstent is being stored in their excess adipost. That's the primary "dom"/confidence hormone for us guys. So less of that would have a more feminizing and lack of confidence reaction. And lossing the weight might cause a significant hormonal release/imbalance as well, so you can take that for what you will.smiley
10 years

More submissive as you gain?

I never thought of myself to dominant or submissive when I was younger. I was thinking about other things. But as I started to gain weight, I notice the lack of energy when I tried to exercise or workout. So that led me to be less active and be more submissive when it came to food or being fed.
10 years

More submissive as you gain?

I definitely get more submissive when I get fatter.

I feel it is part a confidence thing with masculinity and also I cant move around as well.....usually because I am always stuffed to the max.

As I get fatter after stuffing for several months the loss of appetite control plays a roll on feeling a little insecure and out of control....which is fairly new to me and sort of feminizing.

Over eating is a complete turn on but after being so stuffed and lethargic it makes me feel very submissive and vulnerable.

What I see in my wife when she gains quite a bit is the same....she becomes more submissive and way more vulnerable. She generally is pretty strong willed....but after she gains a good amount of weight she is less motivated and she tends to relax more ....sit around and eat and snack when she would otherwise be constantly doing something.

She also becomes more affectionate when she is heavier which I really like.....and definitely less will power and wants to celebrate together over big dinners and deserts.
9 years

More submissive as you gain?

I don't know if it's me becoming more submissive as I get fatter, or if my partner/feeder is just getting more dominant and aggressive? Either way, the trend seems to be true for me as well!

She's already talking about how I'll have to beg her for assistance when I'm too big to reach things, get dressed, feed myself... smiley It's a long way off, but an exciting idea, and a nice goal to shoot for, isn't it? smiley
9 years

More submissive as you gain?

The more I think about this topic it really has to do with a couple things as I gain a lot of weight and become way more submissive.

First is my appetite growing so much where my first thoughts are centered around food and eating. As I continue to eat always to the max I feel very stuffed and bloated which ultimately makes me way more relaxed and not even feeling like moving...not to mention being the agressor in any fashion of the word.

As I get a lot bigger I get pretty turned on and all I think about is getting bigger yet....and I can't really control how much I eat at this point so once again I am full to the max and very relaxed. As I become out of control with the eating and lazy nature It kind of strips any dominant attitude and I find myself just giving in to eating and snacking huge amounts and if my wife happened to be a dominant feeder......I could really find myself at her mercy of turning me into a huge Fat pig that I would allow her to do anything she wanted to me.

So ultimately it has a lot to do with the feeling out of control with eating and the effect the huge amounts of eating have do to my energy level and overall nature of striping the control and discipline I have.
9 years

More submissive as you gain?

My partner puts me through periods of Orgasm denial, (days, sometimes weeks) and I find, as well as becoming more subservient during this period, I also find it easier to gain. I am a secret gainer, and I have thought if my partner was to question my weight gain, if I blamed it on the lack of sexual relief I have been allowed, would she continue with it. I know that once she lets me orgasm, there will be a period where I will feel embarrassed toward my fatter self.

so sexy, i hope my bf begins such habits when i deny his orgasms

As one who has read about and practiced Tantric Sex, this certainly all feels quite familiar.

And so, beerbellybunny, how's that coming along with your boyfriend?
8 years