
Scale obsession?

OnyxStar wrote:
Does anybody else weigh themselves 5000 times a day even though you know it's kinda pointless for a true weight?

I find weighing myself erotic, particularly when I watch the needle swing upwards and am "shocked" to see I've put on weight.

I've never understood the mantra that you should only weigh yourself once a week because weighing yourself daily gives a misleading impression because of daily fluctuations. What if you weigh yourself at the end of a week and happen to be massively fluctuating that that time? As a result you might come to completely the wrong conclusion about the effects of your consumption/exercise that week. My weight can fluctuate 3 or 4 pounds or more. If I'd gained nothing but was randomly fluctuating upwards by 3 pounds because of (eg.) water retention, I would get completely the wrong impression. And it would be another week before I found out. Whereas if you check daily (or as often as you want) you can recognise a fluctuation for what it is.

My scales obsession isn't really weighing myself constantly though - it's more to do with liking the humiliation of being bluntly told I'm too fat. So I love fancy scales like the ones doctors/gyms have - with sliding weights on a pole. Those are often used when someone else weighs you, like a health or fitness professional. I love the idea of being weighed and told I'm too fat, or being weighed in a public situation so everyone can see my embarrassment.

10 years