
Is it ok to fatten up someone

It's better than okay if that's what they want too.

Otherwise it's messed up.
10 years

Is it ok to fatten up someone

AskDrFeeder wrote:
It's better than okay if that's what they want too.

Otherwise it's messed up.

Great response Doc, and I agree 100%!
10 years

Is it ok to fatten up someone

hehe hmmm so curious about that topic ...i wouldn´t have any problem with somebody trying to try fattening me up secretely ^^ since my opinion is i eat what i like and if i gain it´s my fault alone .......

maybe with a little help of a tricky girl but still i would eat everything myself ^^
10 years

Is it ok to fatten up someone

HI Onyx hehe yes i think that´s beside the sexy effect og seeing the other one struggle with clothes and liking it somehow but hating it the sametime a little ^^ the major turn on with the secret fattening idea :_):

To know someone who is able to even trick YOU^^(or ME) and know you maybe even better than you yourself to know exactly what to do or how to manipulate you and all possible circumferences so that you gain weight and it´s a kind of surprise when you recognize the whole extend :

surprised by:how much you really gained how much your figure changed and how you couldn´t notice everything and maybe even forgetting about how much more difficult it will be now to maybe get back in shape or even try due to changed lifestyle and your tempting seductive partner who always knows how to make you gain hehe

what DO you think ?
10 years

Is it ok to fatten up someone

AskDrFeeder wrote:
It's better than okay if that's what they want too.

Otherwise it's messed up.

10 years

Is it ok to fatten up someone

metroidnerd wrote:
I agree with you all completely, there needs to be honesty, integrity, and transparency when it comes to this type of thing. But i think there's a compromise that can be had here ... I noticed that a lot of you guys love the secrecy element to the whole thing, the thought of being "tricked" into it, so why not agree to that as well? If you're going to admit that you love the thought of gaining, then why not go a step further and also admit that you love the thought of being actively fattened "without" your knowledge?

I personally am the type of person who would spend vast amounts of time meticulously planning everything out in advance, down to the tiniest details, to ensure that that weight gain goal was as mindlessly easy and obtainable as possible. I actually kind of like the thought of being a "secret" feeder ... and even being outsmarted at my own game or "getting caught" as well. But such things are only possible if you both have agreed to participate in feedism in the first place, and also if you both understand what "secrecy" elements the other person is okay with. That way both parties are aware of what is happening, and there is no "Surprise! You're fat" element to it.

And of course, if you get a no, then that means no. That applies to any aspect of any relationship.

Es that´s not really easy to explain ????

Best thing would be spill your hearts out about everything and then play certain role ideas from time to time and forget about that you bothknew ^^

10 years

Is it ok to fatten up someone

Vintage Smut wrote:
Eh, I dunno...spiteful fattening is fun.

hehe yes i have to admit it turns on even more then the soft nice way ....

but don´t know if it i in reality as interesting as it is in fantasies ???
10 years