Submission and domination

Kidnap fantasy

Well if you are 300lbs, how fit are you? Couldn't they chase you until you are winded and then do what they want with you?
10 years

Kidnap fantasy

I always imagined my own fantasies of being fattened against my will as happening as sort of like an intervention. Friends inviting me to an event and then finding out what they've had in store for me, usually outnumbering me and being able to overpower me.
10 years

Kidnap fantasy

Oh i would have several ideas of getting kidnapped in a nice form and seduced for say two weeks or tricked and manipulated by one or more girls to live in a living community as a kind of coach for one of the chubby girls to help her trim down only to realize much to late how evil their plan is:

Adding obstacles to their home that make it more difficult to leave the house cause i´m gaining weight .....
Somehow their plan would be to let me eat everything what would be to much for them and make them gain .

So after me complaining after gainig 10kg already they say oh but sweety you are supposed to be the fitnesscoach for us and therefore must help yourself to get slim enough to pass the all the tight bars in the entrance or is that belly getting to big eh^^.

I would find it very interesting to be trapped in a very smart way and it´s somehow my own fault that i have to stay and get fatter cause my willpower isn´t as strong as i though it to be ^^.

complicated to get this all in words lol
10 years

Kidnap fantasy

feeder101 wrote:
scuba wrote:
calichub wrote:
I have always had this fantasy of being kidnapped even before I found FF and got into wieghtgain and forced feeding and all that. I have always wondered about the lagistics of being kidnapped if I was 300 pounds per say. What the kidnapper would have to do in order to do it. Prefferbly without being knocked out.

NOTE: keep in mind this is just fantasy and would never want it in real life.
They wouldn't need to knock you out. All they would need is a nice hot Thanksgiving diner set up in a large Van, and the open the door when you walked by. While you were sitting in your big comfy chair on wheels and munching down, they drive out into the country to a old castle. Then pull into the under ground parking. Right at about then, as you were finishing your last bite, straps would come out and secure you into the chair. As you plead and struggle to free yourself the goons roll you down a dimly lit stone lined hall were there are two huge solid oak doors. Once inside the dungeon, all you can see lining the walls are a endless array of mouth gag's, feeding tubes, enema bags ranging from 2 quarts to 2 gallons, oxygen tanks and respirator masks, and a milk tanker truck labeled super weight gainer shake. As the fear paralyzes you and the sweat is poring down your fore head, and Mad scientist wearing big black rubber gloves, pokes the bottom of your over stuffed belly and say's with a big Evil grin; Well, Well, Well,it looks like piggy has room for desert!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Year after year the only sounds echoing from the walls of the Dungeon were, gulp, gulp, gulp, hissing of oxygen from the tanks, rubber stretching and hideous laughter.
I would love to do that to someone. That would be fun (for me). But of course life doesn't work that way.

haha you could do that but at let´s sa 250 i would have to stop and get away to get in shape again since then i would let you try ^^
10 years

Kidnap fantasy

lonely soul wrote:
I have often thought of being the kidnapper.

Having someone tied to the bed in my spare room. They spend the day eating, and watching tv. And gain huge amounts of weight fast

Do you want to do it in notes.
10 years