
Gain from medication?

I was able to try some medications when I had really bad time in my life.
But my reaction was odd. Whatever drug I was prescribed - it either didn't work at all or induced horrible sleepiness. First was prozac - felt like dull placebo. Weight unchanged.
Then was some other stuff I can't recall - nothing happened too. And last was zipralex. I was numb and sleepy all the time, even if my doctor told me that this should activate me. And it affected taste of food. Everything tasted strange and I didn't like it. Lost about 6-9 lbs during course. When cancelled - food became really tasty and I regained lost weight and a few extra pounds. Then everything normalizes and I'm getting back to initial weight. And that was disappointing... I really hoped that while taking prescripted medications I would get that famous side effect and gain weight (I wanted a lot of it... aimed for 300lbs from 260). But miracle didn't happen.

But that's just me... I guess it didn't work because I was already fat. But I keep hearing that thin people gaining weight much easier.
11 years

Gain from medication?

I'm looking for a medication that is made to gain weight. I read that Megestrol (Megace) is given to annorexic or old people that don't want to eat or lack hunger and that it works like a charm, and fattens you up really nicely. Does anybody have experience with that?
It is only available via prescription, so I wonder if there are any feeding friendly doctors that support the wish and need to gain weight on purpose.

I would also prefer some medication that is made for this purpose, since there will be less unintended side effects (especially because gaining is the main purpose)
10 years

Gain from medication?

oh interesting hehe but perfect would be if a had a doctor gf who likes measurements and exercises and just slid those meds secretely in my meals ......

so i at one point really get scared of my onw rapid weight gain ....

bad that all that you have to get via description ^^
10 years

Gain from medication?

rubens_feeder wrote:
Megestrol (Megace) is given to annorexic or old people that don't want to eat or lack hunger ... if there are any feeding friendly doctors that support the wish and need to gain weight on purpose.

My sick imagination draws a scene where 350lbs guy in a "I beat anorexia" shirt gives a pharmacist recipe for that stuff.

Sorry, I just couldn't stop myself from posting that smiley

Anyway I'm interested. [s]If thats not a horrible hormonal killer-mix then it might be worth trying.[/s]
UPD. Actually it is... anti-tumor medicament for hormone induced breast tumor. I'd leave it alone.
10 years

Gain from medication?

i wouldn´t do such things ever with the right person or knowledge by hand ^^

but thanks for your consideration ^^ and informativ words ;-)
10 years

Gain from medication?

Many medicines have side effects, but not every person gets them. Someone may gain a ton of weight from one medicine, and the next person stay the same.
10 years

Gain from medication?

My GF recently gained a little more than 30lbs since we started dating about a yr ago from her birth control. every time she goes for checkups its always a 2lb gain or something like that. shes been off that birth control for over a month now but is still gaining
10 years

Gain from medication?

Why would you want to take a medication just to gain weight?
Anti depressants and mood altering drugs are hard on a body and can cause liver damage.
Just eat like there is no tomorrow and gain weight on your own.
10 years

Gain from medication?

Not all people get all side effects from medicines.
7 years

Gain from medication?

I just say fuck all medications. All illegal drugs I've tried - the good ones - never caused me any problems.

I was tried on sertraline on a whim for a bit. After about four weeks I felt as if I were excreting my entire digestive tract, had dilated and painful pupils as if I were on MDMA 24/7, and had very bizarre thoughts I'd never had before. I still have a bottle of about 50 pills of that and I'm never taking shit like that again.

I'd say diazepam was the only drug that effected anything slightly. The first bit of the first time I ever had it I'd be very out of it and sleep for 12 hours on the first nights. But those kind of drugs start to fuck up your mind after a brief period even when you get over the physical quickly.

Alcohol....that's it's own story. Loaded with calories but I tend never to drink fancy thing so never much added on it. I tend to eat less anyway with it.

Weed well, I have destroyed a kitchen a time or two and I did not like the feeling of eating that much (yes I'm the polar opposite FA type) and if I use it more often munchies tend to dissipate quickly. Plus I do like the treat of working out or going on a non-stop 20 km bike ride at 4am at full speed so....
7 years