
Faceless pictures

OK time for me to get serious(I know some think that rare).When it comes to profiles I'd rather see a headless pic than no pic at all.As has been said some people may post headless pics for various reasons.That doesn't stop me from talking to them at all.I've talked to quite a few headless & no pic people...Some have even been nice enough to send me pics privately but it's not the point of pic/no pic/Headless pics.The point is give everyone a chance then if you find something that doesn't set right with you & you can't talk it out then ended it.Don't judge before you take the chance to know the person.OK off my soapbox now.
10 years

Faceless pictures

I accept a headless pic, at least at the beginning of a conversation. A blank icon taints everything with suspicion for me. I understand that there maybe many reasons for people not to post pics of themselves but I also need to think about myself. Plus really, you need to give people some motivation.
10 years

Faceless pictures

I use a faceless photo because I often say things that piss people off.

I always use the same logo, so my online "identity" is pretty obvious.
10 years

Faceless pictures

As a fat guy I see my faceless body photos bootlegged by fat gay areas, another reason I remain faceless!!

MaddMiss wrote:
Here's yet another vote for the headless shot crowd. I post headless shots because I wouldn't want my face to potentially be plastered all over the internet.

Besides, I've heard that companies now search for information about potential employees online. I know that personal fetishes should not matter, but they definitely wouldn't help in this situation.

All else (i.e. family and friends), I can deal with.
10 years

Faceless pictures

I just changed mine, normally I don't really mind showing my face but perhaps I may be too trusting or naive in thinking that it hasn't be stolen and uploaded somewhere else.

I just won't upload body shots...
10 years

Faceless pictures

lol I'll just say this: I don't show my face because of fear of family or friends finding out. I choose not to show my face because of all the damn creepers on this site. I trust my friends and family. I don't trust any of you, until I get to know you. Period. Those who have seen photos of my face are longtime friends in this community, and by and large they have each seen unique photos; so I know that if they get out, who spread them.
10 years

Faceless pictures

I'm faceless on this site, but I'm willing to share face pictures privately. I know some people here think anyone who isn't open about their membership here might be "fake" or "on the fence", but for me, it's just a matter of comfort with how much people can accidentally find out about me and my preferences.

As a straight mutual gainer, here are things people could say about me, and how I would feel if they came to light.

One the feeder side of things, people could say the following things.

"His girlfriend is fat."

"He likes that she is fat."

"He likes her at her fatter size, than her previous thinner size."

"He wants her to get fatter."

"He is helping to make her fatter."

"He hand fed her an entire cake and a gallon of weight gain shake before bed last night, then they had wild sex." you can see, statements start out tame here, but can quickly escalate to awkward and embarrassing. Most people here wouldn't be embarrassed to date a fat person (I hope!), and most would be happy to even bring their significant other a little extra food and maybe give their belly an loving pat without a second thought. Some other things are best left to the bedroom though. Or at least to a private booth in a restaurant.

On the feedee side of things, it's kind of the same deal.

"He has a big appetite."

"He's gained a little weight."

"He's gotten fat."

"He likes being fat."

"He got fat on purpose, and is trying to get fatter."

"His girlfriend is trying to fatten him up, and he's loving it."

"Every night, his girlfriend feeds him a dozen donuts, then a gallon of weight gain shake through a funnel."

When does it stop being comfortable for you?
10 years

Faceless pictures

I don't particularly care if you know who I am, what I look like, how I live my life...

I have nothing to hide from anyone aside from that one fetish with firecrackers and baby turtles.

Oops. I've said to much...
10 years
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