
Stealth eating...

For those of you who have gained and gotten greedier appetites, do you ever hide how much you eat from friends or family?

If so, how?

1. Have an extra "stealth" meal before dining with them so you don't overeat in front of them.

2. Had a make-up meal AFTER dining with them, to make up for holding back.

3. Hide snacks in your bedroom, office, car, or other places.

Anything else?
10 years

Stealth eating...

me too :-)

since it´s some sort of sexual thing i tend to do it more privtely ^^

ok sometimes i use a feast occasion to have a head start :-)
10 years

Stealth eating...

When I'm on a gaining / indulging jag, I will eat often on the way to and from work. A cinnamon bun in the morning and/or a sandwich on the way home really add up smiley
10 years

Stealth eating...

PinkyDear wrote:
Sometimes I go to a friend's for dinner and look at what is put on the table for a group and think "I could eat all of that myself". Fun fantasy, not very nice for a guest though. smiley

True! I'm very pro-gluttony but have to admit there are times it's inappropriate!
10 years

Stealth eating...

OnyxStar wrote:
Lol if I am drinking half and half or cream nobody is ever around. I do a lot more night eating than daytime eating.

I love this! For some reason my "feedee" streak has let loose quite a bit recently and i keep buying quarts of heavy cream. But i always try and hide it and sneak it in my coffee etc. Not that i would really care if i got caught with it, but the sneaking is sort of exciting smiley
10 years

Stealth eating...

when i order pizzas i have to sneak out at night and put them in my neighbours bin hahaha
10 years

Stealth eating...

Nice work Pudgy, how long did that take you?
10 years

Stealth eating...

1. Have an extra "stealth" meal before dining with them so you don't overeat in front of them.

2. Had a make-up meal AFTER dining with them, to make up for holding back.

3. Hide snacks in your bedroom, office, car, or other places.

As far as number 1 and 2 go, not really. I don't want to kill my appetite before dining out, but when we do dine out, I'm not shy about clearing my plate.

Number 3, absolutely - mostly because I don't want my intentions to be obvious.

Having a bowl of ice cream or a glass of chocolate milk? Fine, socially normal.

Devouring an entire quart of ice cream or chugging the entire half gallon of chocolate milk? Strange looks and follow up questions.
10 years

Stealth eating...

I've done all three variations, sometimes in one day. I don't really have any partners in crime, but that's not for lack of looking lol.
10 years

Stealth eating...

When I was actively gaining I used to take a box of Pop Tarts in the car with me to work every morning. I'd also try to swing through different Dunkin Donuts when I had a chance.

And if I went to the supermarket and was really buying a ton of junk I'd pretend I was buying for "a party I was having" so I wouldn't look like a pig but then I'd take it all home and eat it myself. Yep. Pretended to have a lot of parties!

Sigh. I miss gaining.
10 years
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