Extreme obesity

Do any men want to be immobile

I have occasionally considered it, but ultimately I come to the decision that I would be miserable if I was stuck in one room for the remainder of my life. So, while I want to continue gaining weight, I don't think I'll go quite that far. I want to retain the ability to move under my own power.
11 years

Do any men want to be immobile

wesleyv1 wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
I have occasionally considered it, but ultimately I come to the decision that I would be miserable if I was stuck in one room for the remainder of my life.
I agree the only room i wanna spend the rest of my life in is small white and paddedsmiley

Preferably with a nice snug jacket...for those cold nights in the asyl...uh...room
11 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I'd let it happen, if the conditions were right. Being stuck in one room actually sounds great to me - if I didn't have things to do throughout the day, I'd be laying in bed with a fridge within reach, watching tv and playing video games.
I know there are giant health risks, and that's something I'll deal with as they come. Choosing to be immobile also means you're not living to 70, obviously, but I'd rather live how I've always dreamed and die younger then to live with major regrets.
I have no idea why it's something that I think about all the time, but being so fat that I can't move my body is a huge life goal for me. The dependence, the struggle to do anything (except eat) in a normal way, and the idea of being kept and fattened bigger even at that size - It's the the kind of life I have spent my entire life aiming for.
11 years

Do any men want to be immobile

Would love to make this experience and feel the ultimate kick for my feeder and me when passing the point of no return
11 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I used to be thin, but I almost duplicated my weight in about 4 years, I started to develop a huge appetite, and I would love to be a feedee.

How I would love to be gigantically obese!

I want my feeder to need a crane to haul my blubber butt.
10 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I'm actually trying to lose weight at the moment, but if some wealthy FFA offered to "sponsor" me, I'd go for it without a second's hesitation.
10 years

Do any men want to be immobile

This is a complex subject with many things to talk about, but in a short quick answer it would be yes to immobility.
10 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I do have fantasies about that and doubt that it will ever happen though. I am very strong willed and used to be a feeder, but as a feedee (or mutual gainer), I have noticed that I am very submissive. It is maybe that I have never experienced it, never been taken care of or never really experienced the power of a dominant woman feeder. But part of me would love to grow that fat and if a female feeder would wnat me to grow that large, I would. It is super hot when I imagine her tell me "I love how you are struggling with your fat, I love how you waddle and have trouble walking. Do you know, I have a confession: I can't wait to make you immobile, I can't wait to see that you can't get up anymore"
and it would be super hot, because as extreme as I am, I love tube feeding and funnel feeding and the ultimate hottest way would be that I am tied down and fed like this. And immobility caters to this, as then, when she tube feeds me, I can't get away, she has full access and I can't stop anymore.

This becoming helpless and giving in to the fat, the way it shapes you and immobilizes you, the way you become an object of fat and a sculpture, so fat that you can hardly move has a lure to it.

And sometimes I think that if a feeder told me, "hey, let's try this for a while, becoming immobile and then you can lose the weight again, so it is not permanent"
I would go for it, having no fear.
But then maybe that is the pig inside me trying to trick me, to make it happen, and then, well, will I lose the weight again?
10 years

Do any men want to be immobile

My wife has really fattened me up. Now i am an extremely fat out of shape man. My belly is so big i cant even touch my penis. I just lie naked and eat and get drunk all day. As my mobility is limited and i remain drunk most times i pee and poop on bed and my wife cleans me up after 3 or 4 days. Soon i wll be immobile and im waiting eagerly
10 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I cannot deny the allure of immobility as a fantasy. It's one that niggles at the edge of my mind a lot. It always has me playing over what exactly my "parameters" for going for it might be.

In reality, I think I would only gain to immobility if a very strict set of elements came together.

I'd have to be in a stable relationship with my feeder. I (or my feeder) would have to be wealthy enough that we wouldn't have to worry about money. Ever. And, preferably, I'd have more than one caretaker. Because caring for someone who's bedbound is a big job. And I'd imagine it would put a huge amount of strain on a relationship. So having three or four other carers besides my feeder would be ideal.
10 years
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