Body inflation

Bloating with water, how much is too much? (before you need to add something to it)

What time frame are you guys drinking it in?
13 years

Bloating with water, how much is too much? (before you need to add something to it)

I read that you risk death if you drink more than 2.5 gallons in a few hours, however, cases have happened to a gallon and a little more. Doctors advise against drinking more than 0.4 gallons per hour for an extended time
12 years

Bloating with water, how much is too much? (before you need to add something to it)

Someone mentioned electrolysis, and they are wrong. Electrolysis is actually a scientific test (DNA test basically) that DNA analysts use to determine if two people or animals are related by placing some of their DNA in a gel. Then they place some dye in it, and the more matches that the DNA pieces have or if the same then they are related. If not then they are not. That's what electrolysis is.
11 years

Bloating with water, how much is too much? (before you need to add something to it)

TinyKitten wrote:
Just don't do it~ Gatorade is so much safer and you shouldn't let pleasure put you in danger of water intoxication. Why is it so important that you use water instead of a sports drink?

Gatorade is "safer"?

It's made by PepsiCo. Its branding as a "sports drink" is marketing.

The reason I bloat with water is because I'm not trying to gain, nor do I want my teeth to rot. I also don't like the taste of most sweet drinks. Additionally I try to avoid over-consumption of sugar/sugar-like products as diabetes runs in my family. I believe Gatorade may recently have elected to remove high fructose corn syrup from its drinks (most people are already aware of the health risks associated with that) but it still contains sucrose, glucose and fructose.

Water is always going to be the healthiest way to hydrate yourself. But if you want to drink it to excess for bloating purposes, you need to make sure it's closer to the composition of your body's natural fluids to ensure your body doesn't react badly to taking on that much fluid in a short time. Hence add some salts and sugars. However only a small amount of salts/sugars is needed. The amount you need to add won't even change the taste of the water that much, unlike the amount of sugars in "sports" drinks, which are teeth-clenchingly sweet. You certainly don't have any need to drink 3 or 4 litres of Gatorade. Last I looked, my body was not composed of anything like the ingredients of Gatorade.

I can only assume PepsiCo's advertising of Gatorade as somehow "healthy" has conned people into thinking that drinking vast quantities of something so artificial is "safe". One bottle might well help rehydrate you rapidly after an intense workout but I don't think even PepsiCo is advocating drinking 3 or 4 litres of it in one go. It might be correct that you need carbohydrates, electrolytes and hydration for prolonged or endurance sport or exercise, but not necessarily for bloating.
11 years

Bloating with water, how much is too much? (before you need to add something to it)

OniGumo wrote:
[quote]jockturnedgainer wrote

If you're going to do a liquid stuffing it's best to do it with a sports drink like gatoraide. Though this won't comepletely eliminate the effects of water intoxication, it helps. Plus if you drink to much of the sports drink, i/e enough to cause water intoxication, you're likely to vomit before it becomes a problem; which though messy can save your life

Whoa, I would not put my trust in a big corporation and their concotion that is designed primarily to further their bottom line and line the pockets of their investors, and not caring much about your health, probably using high fructose corn syrup and all kinds of ugly stuff. Also, these drinks contain vitamins and the vitamin dose is designed for normal consumption and massive consumption might lead to vitamin overdose and poisoning, which can be serious.

You can easily mix your own Gatorade, by using a mildly sweet drink and adding salt in a good mild concentration.
10 years

Bloating with water, how much is too much? (before you need to add something to it)

I have done experiments and never had a problem. But I was always careful and added salt to it and did not overdo it too much.

The important thing to remember is that water can kill you because water in the form that you drink it is not suitable for the body. The body has to add electrolytes to it to make it suitable to be in your body. So if you drink too much water, it will dilute these electrolytes and in the end, your blood will be similarily low in electrolytes and salt as the water, which is deadly to you. Because water interacts directly with the rest of the body (and a lot of the body is water), this can happen fast and be dangerous.

A good rule of thumb is to do this slowly, and if you start to feel strange or weird, stop.
Your body wants to tell you something at that point.

Being horny and sexually aroused can lead to overdoing stuff, when you are excited in the moment. And it is important to slow down and be careful, agreeing that you are entering new territory and that you likely don't know much about the subject, take it step by step because of this, and then you will always be safe.

I have done a lot of feeding with a feeding tube, on myself and feedees and never had a problem, because being careful and doing it slow, never ever forcing anything works really well for these things.
10 years

Bloating with water, how much is too much? (before you need to add something to it)

I’ve never done more than 2 liters within 2 hours.
1 year

Bloating with water, how much is too much? (before you need to add something to it)

I've done it entirely through milk and had no problems. Wouldn't recommend doing it constantly though (or doing GOMAD for gaining either), I heard that's how you get kidney stones.

Either way, it's probably safest to do all liquid bloating after a large meal.
1 year

Bloating with water, how much is too much? (before you need to add something to it)

My worst experience bloating I drank an entire 50 Fl oz poland spring bottle, felt incredible for a moment, then stumbled to my bathroom and puked. I felt perfectly fine until I polished off probably the last 10-25oz. Would not recommend, at least I have a personal point of reference for my capacity, however.
I'm sure body type has a lot to do with it though, be aware of your *own* capacity and listen to your body. As long as you don't do it all at once and break between chugs you can evaluate how you feel and if you need to stop.
6 months
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