
Measure stomach size?


it has eluded me for the last decade how to reliably measure how much you can fit inside your stomach (mine and a female feedee's)
Did you find out any reliable ways to measure it?
Water does not work that well, as it seems to run through pretty fast too.

And I noticed that when you measure it, drink something and just do it for science so to speak, the stomach kinda contracts and is smaller than you think. It seems to feel that this is not really for digestion and food.
I have noticed that the stomach can be a very sensitive and mentally controlled organ, which opens up in the right circumstances and relaxes, while getting tight in others.
10 years

Measure stomach size?

I don't think an exact volume measurement would be possible without an x-ray or something.

Like you said water starts passing very quickly while food can sit around for quite a while depending on what it is.

I usually just go by weight to make things simple. A big meal after an hour and a half of eating usually comes out to 10lbs. An all day stuffing starts pushing towards 20...
10 years

Measure stomach size?

Hmm, that is really cool. Crazy enough, but I never thought about the weighing thing for measuring food amount.
10 years