
Bbws now illegal in japan

Hi everyone,
The Saturday June 14, 2008 Toronto Star has an article in its World section titled "A new waist management plan". This article talks about how measuring a person's waist will now be standard prodcedure during mandatory annual physical examinations in Jspan. "[For] Those exceeding the government limit - 33.5 inches for men and 35.4 inches for women ... the government will impose financial penalties."

I would like to know what you all think about this.

16 years

Bbws now illegal in japan

I think it's atrocious. I would, quite literally, leave my country in protest. But it's coming everywhere, and frankly, we're partly to blame, because we don't fight back.
16 years

Bbws now illegal in japan

What about Sumo Wrestlers? Aren't they from Japan?
16 years

Bbws now illegal in japan

davidxXx wrote:
interesting. pretty much taxing people for being overweight?

Actually, not only are individuals being tageted for financial punishment in the form of taxation. If people who are found to be "metabo", as the Japanese have apparnetly dubbed those whom they consider to be overweight people, according to that same article fines can be issued to "companies and local governments who fail to meet specific targets."

So bascially that puts further pressure on someone to conform because if they don't it means retribution will also be paid by their employers and neighbours - which I'm sure could easily be constrewed by them as being the fuller figured person's fault. ..for simply being who they are.

16 years

Bbws now illegal in japan

Jay wrote:
For god's sake! This isn't just another attack on fat people, this is another attack by one of the world's governments on their people. When was the last time a goverment actually did anything good for it's people rather than what's finacially benificial to them and major corporations? A century ago people would rebel and lay seige to their town halls for far less than we put up with today. What the hell happened to freedom?

Would anyone like to chip into my 'island fund'? I'm going to buy a small country and have it run properly be people who's brains weren't replaced with lettuce. You'd all be able to live there! But you would have to build your own huts and forage for food smiley This is the most sensible soloution I can think of which doesn't involve actually taking over the world in a bloody battle . . .

Battle isn't the only way to take control of a government, subterfuge is actually easier and more economically sound than outright warfare. But it takes longer, and a great deal of planning.

I say that we all get together and formulate a "plan" *evil laughter*
16 years

2nd american revolution

quite frankly between this in japan and all the crap our own government is doing here in the states, I personally think the time is right for revolution, not just here but everywhere.
16 years

Bbws now illegal in japan

Well maybe we need to try and make the NAAFA into the INAAFA so that people who are fuller figured and those who enjoy the variety in life those with fuller figures bring, can have a stronger lobbyist voice.

I would be sad to see the elusive but lovely Japanese BBWs to disappear entirely.

16 years

Bbws now illegal in japan

that is stupid
16 years

Bbws now illegal in japan

well overpopulation is another issue, this is about blatant discrimination of people's personal lifestyles and even their genetic make-up. what's next? if they found that people who have a particular hair colour are more prone to disease, would they be fined too? more importantly, what can we as a group of people who disagree with this discrimination do to put an end to it?
16 years

Bbws now illegal in japan

None of us, as far as I know, is doing much about passing weight discrimination legislation--please, please prove me wrong...
16 years
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