
Apetamin--weight-gain drug?

Anyone here ever try it? This woman and some others on Youtube swear by it:

10 years

Apetamin--weight-gain drug?

Apparently it helps to stimulate appetite... but I can't find any reputable sources with a google search that back any of it up, just testimonials in the comments of Amazon pages where it's being sold.

It strikes me that at best it's a placebo and a scam, and at worst it may have more detrimental effects. Without any real documentation aside from anecdotal YT vids, it's difficult to endorse this in any way.
10 years

Apetamin--weight-gain drug?

My curiosity is peaked... Keen to hear more Evie....
10 years

Apetamin--weight-gain drug?

I decided to try it, and here's what I can report so far:

I've taken three doses over three days. The first two made me very sleepy, and I wound up taking very long naps. One the second day, I woke up, neither hungry nor full. I ate a considerable amount of food (entire pizza, half a sub, about a quart and a half of milk), then fell back asleep. I was physically very full after eating all that, but had no discomfort and could have eaten more. Regardless, I was really tired, so I fell back asleep until this morning.

I woke up today and went straight to class. Got home about three hours ago, and took my third dose.

So far, I'm not drowsy, and have managed to put away (1) chocolate milk, (2) pop tarts, (8) Swiss Rolls, (1/2) quart of milk and (1) Digionio Pizza, personal size.

That's about 2800 calories in three hours, and I'm about to eat more. My stomach is being a bit noisy and is at about 38.5" inches (which is normal for "stuffed" for me). I'm obviously very full, but feel like I can just keep eating and eating.
10 years

Apetamin--weight-gain drug?

Very interesting. Thank you for the feedback... any side effects?
10 years

Apetamin--weight-gain drug?

what does it taste like? How do you ingest it mixed in something?
10 years

Apetamin--weight-gain drug?

Thanks Evie, curious how it is working at this point.
10 years

Apetamin--weight-gain drug?

oh that sounds very tempting :-)
10 years