
So what games are you playing?

Playing Pokemon y and trying to finish legend of zelda games so far finished link between worlds and minish cap and a link to the past very close to finishing links awakening then going to start on oracle of seasons and ages but need to start playing twilight princess again so I can finish that.
10 years

So what games are you playing?

I'm playing Fallout 3 because Capital Wasteland!

(Walks off singing under his breath) I don't want to set the world on fire.
10 years

So what games are you playing?

Been playing Pokemon X & Y, Minecraft, WWE 2k14 & got South Park stick of truth yesterday
10 years

So what games are you playing?

Mega Man: Rock Force.
10 years

So what games are you playing?

Death Simulator 2014, but everyone knows it as Dark Souls 2
10 years

So what games are you playing?

FFX / X-2 HD Remaster and Genji: Days of Blade which apparently is a sequel and I didn't know that.
10 years

So what games are you playing?

Most recent game I played was a session of the Dragon Age table-top RPG that I have going with two of my cousins, and two other players. (One's my friend, the other is one my cousin's friends.)

If you're into pen & paper RPG I'd recommend trying it out.

*side note, our group is kind of bad at following the rules lol, the campaign keeps getting crackier and crackier. Though last session we made good strides toward seriousness. My character was in mortal peril for the first time in weeks.*
10 years

So what games are you playing?

okapi wrote:
I actually got a copy of that game, but I never got around to playing it. The problem with RPGs is that you have to get people together regularly, which is getting more and more difficult.

Personally I've been playing Dark Souls II on PS3, Civilization V on the PC, and Warhammer 40,000 on the tabletop. Those Necrons are proving really hard to kill, very satisfying army to play.

We used to get together every week, now we're doing every other week. We also used to have two other games/systems we'd role-play but my friend's computer crashed and all his sourcebooks for the Pathfinder campaign were lost, and I lost all motivation to plan for the campaign I was running (Broomstix, it's a Harry Potter D20 system) because the system is incomplete and doesn't include any stats for enemies, any pre-made quests, or anything like that so everything was on me.
10 years

So what games are you playing?

Finished Arkham City, moved on to Metro 2033, which I think is rather flawed but with some interesting ideas nonetheless.
10 years

So what games are you playing?

Yeah, this kinda sums up the Steam summer sales. I still haven't finished all the stuff I bought last year...pray for me smiley
10 years
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