
Data analysis proves fat love

vinylrider wrote:

Comparing frequency of the terms "fat" and "thin" shows that one appears much more often smiley

Well, if you listen to he main stream media:
Fat is bedeviled, it is wrong and bad and terrible, and all evils of this world are caused by it. If you are fat, even by 1 pound, you will die tomorrow, oh no, wait, you will die today, right after reading this. Being fat is not just wrong and immoral, it makes you a bad person, and of course it is supporting terrorism ;-)
(ok, irony switched off)

Well, if you think about it like this, how strange is feederism really?

It is the enjoyment of food (and the resulting fat) and sex combined.

Food is essential to our survival as a species. Food is the one thing that is aways good, there is nothing that is bad about food (at the basic level), if you argue about it and refuse to eat it, you will starve and perish. It is the same as a cell phone arguing if electricity and the battery is important or if it could go without it.
Then, sex is as essential and important. Less so than food (where you die immediately and don't get to do sex), but still the difference of the species dieing out by not having offspring.

Now food often enables sex. You can't have sex and a woman cannot be pregnant if you are starved to death and thin like a rake because famine is ravaging the land.
Becoming pregnant if you are super thin is dangerous, as the kid will drain the energy of the mother to a degree where it will kill both the kid and the mother.
So when you have food again and you can afford getting fat (rich, the most basic form of wealth, abundance of essential resources), like the fertile ground after rain, so will you want to have sex and have offspring.

So in a way feeding is more natural than most other things.

But as many things are in this time of age, we are so far away from nature, so denatured and artifical that we don't understand the basics anymore.

In a way, we are like a society that is used to procreate by using bottles in stead of wombs (brave new world) and would find sexual intercourse very disturbing and wrong.

It takes a lot of food till it become really a problem and a bad influence on your health. And I believe that the hate that the media at large has for fat, gaining and food has to do with the misconceived (but widely spread) notion, that being big and fat is ugly and unattractive.

When did we become so screwed up that we started believing this BS?

Nobody would want a smaller car, a smaller house, a smaller paycheck, less space and less time in your life. Why would you want a small body then?

In the case of women, why would you ever ever want smaller hips, a smaller belly and smaller breasts? There are women out there that would kill for bigger breasts and there it is, just eat a lot of chocolate and enjoy food and you got it, no side effects, no surgery, no extra cost, perfectly proportional to your body. ;-)
10 years