
Gender roles...

Background wrote:
So my question is, have any of you guys out there ever felt like you'd rather be the ones chased after?

I've maintained this position a lot since I'm (hetero) demiromantic, being that I can only feel any sort of romantic feelings for a woman after forming a bond with them first. People just sort of blur in together for me otherwise. Can't exactly go chasing someone if I don't feel any sparks at all. They have to touch my heart in some way first.
10 years

Gender roles...

The only time I've been hit on by a bbw was during a job interview. Very weird.
10 years

Gender roles...

Oh what an interesting and comlicated thing .....

So first time i was 14 or so i was chased by a girl at a holiday camp and since i didn´t knew what to do or tell her how : that i don´t want to kiss her or like her i just hid from her to not tell her my number or adress .....

oki that´s said.....

it´s very much a compliment to be chased by a girl .......but i only can cope with it if i really feel something for her .....or find her cute or interesting whatever :-)

On the other hand all the girls, despite my first gf, whom i found attractive or very sweet and loveable and made an attempt i was never successfull .......or rarely

But what i would never to is to compete with someone for a girl ......

since i somehow think there is some thing a s fate or destiny if she really likes you she won´t let two pll chase her .....

But i loved to be once chased by a girl i ould find sweet or laveable ....that a major compliment i think .....although she should give me the chance afterwards to prove my strong feelings for her so we are both sure everyone wants the other .....badly ^^

What i fear mostly in this chasing thing and not letting it develop just naturally

That either i love her more or she me and i can´t give back or she thinks i do but deep down i know i would do lot more surprises or special things for a girl i really love ???

that really drives me mad sometimes .....

Cause it happens that after some time i would give into temptation if a girl chased me ;-) and maybe deep down i know from the beginning that i wouldn´be able to give 100% as it would be with another girl i really fell for ......or fell for 100% ^^

don´t know if that was understandable to you all but if any questions arrived ....

just ask me ^^
10 years

Gender roles...


I somehow love to be chased lol than at least if i think the girl is cute i know she want´s me and the chance of beeing rejected is lower ;-)

since i always had such a bad choice i finding somene who likes me as i like her .......

so i can totally understand the rejection thing ;-)
10 years