Extreme obesity

Is obesity a disability?

In practicle terms, yes, being sufficiently fat is disabling. In general culture I don't think it is considered a disability. Legally, it would vary by the relevent rules and laws, but I think very few if any treat it that way.
11 years

Is obesity a disability?

shazzy wrote:
until 2 years ago I was not disabled because of my size, but sadly I put my back out lifting something, which led for me to get sciatica and back pain 24/7, I now cannot walk very far at all, I am in constant pain and my mobility is nothing like it used to be, I dont know if I would be disabled now if I had not lifted that item, or if I had stayed at the weight I was, but sadly over the past 2 years I have put more weight on.

I am sorry to hear you are suffering,but please take heart that whatever size you are ,you will always be beautiful,and I am sure you have lots of admirers here,plus your hubby of course !!smiley
10 years

Is obesity a disability?

At least you still have your sense of humoursmiley
10 years