Submission and domination

Unsuspecting public

I was just thinking how much I would LOVE to torture some poor soul who just wants to get on with their day by dragging them into the middle of me and a GFs sick fantasy for instance:

Your at a bus stop and turn to your SO (whos eating), and just grab their belly and go "wow somebody's getting big" and keep rubbing it all the while there is some random person there (imagine if they where an FA themselves) I'm not crazy into the whole humiliation thing but that would turn me on no end.

Has anybody done anything similar ?
10 years

Unsuspecting public

Forcing someone to take part in your fetish play- even if it's relatively innocent, as this can be- is invasive and wrong. Dragging them into this situation when they're "a poor soul just trying to get on with their day" is an *** move. Don't do it.
10 years

Unsuspecting public

sorry still not convinced I think it would be hilarious
10 years

Unsuspecting public

So into public humiliation.
10 years

Unsuspecting public

I get where you're coming from my friend. I dated a gal that was in to exhibitionism, but that was a little too crazy for me. So we ended up meeting in the middle. I would be somewhat dominating and show public displays of affection i.e. belly rubbing and the like, but in full view of others. It was a tremendous turn-on for her and a bit of a turn-on for me so it seemed to work out for us.smiley

Honestly, I don't think the whole idea is all that bad. The OP simply worded it a little weird.
9 years

Unsuspecting public

Ghouliette wrote:
This just feels wrong. Like, I doubt you'd like to be involved unconsensually in someone's public fantasy that you had an aversion to. Gross.

Me and my mad fantasies wha ? I'll just quietly leave this site.
9 years

Unsuspecting public

To be fair, you did specify "has anyone *done* anything similar?" - clearly we're not talking about just fantasies, but practices.
8 years

Unsuspecting public

There was on time back when I was a movie theater usher, this twenty something's fat woman, who was definitely dominant if not even a dominatrix, and a man smaller than her who was with her, and was submissive if not her slave were the only customers in my line waiting for a movie to be cleaned. To pass the time, she decided to place him against the wall and repetitively kick him in multiple spots. I found it sexy as hell. Now I don't believe they were doing it to ruin my day by forcing me to be a part of their fantasy; I think she, if not both, were bored and wanted to do something. Maybe at most she or the both of them wanted to get a reaction or a rise out of someone. It was funny as who would expect to see a woman playfully beating the crap out of her boyfriend. I don't blame them or that I was being harassed because they're actions gave me a hard on. Luckily, I had the podium to cover that from anyone who wasn't them. There were no one else near us. I'm not sure if they saw that I had one. I'm assuming no, as they probably would've done the reasonable thing and stopped. I don't think they tried to make someone's day harder. Well, I just had a real life story to tell. If someone does something like that with the intentions of just grossing people out, such as outlandish hair, that's one thing but to try to pull someone into your fantasy is wrong.
8 years