
Awkward conversations?

Yeah, that's a pretty common thing that happens. I've run across a lot of bland conversationalists in my time here. A lot of them only seem capable of multiple word responses in "fat-chat".

I always prefer to open up the conversation by establishing whether we have anything outside of feederism in common. I try to figure out what they're into, and what not, so we'll have more to talk about. Sometimes it doesn't work though, and the bland conversationalist remains a bland conversationalist.
10 years

Awkward conversations?

Guggy wrote:
You get the same dumb one-word replies outside FF I find. If thats all they have to offer, and you arent the one with the short replies, then screw 'em IMO.

I mean dont be a dick or be whiny about it, but just stop talking to em if you get pretty much one-word stuff.


ClaireyFairy wrote: I get this a lot too.
People will start a conversation with me and have nothing to say.

Or I usually get the Hi, how are you.
And then guys will say...'so ask me anything you want' Or 'is there anything you want to know about me'
Now I like asking people questions and finding out about them but when someone expects to be asked things because they cant hold a conversation, that's not good.
I like to find out things about people as the conversation goes along, not play 20 questions straight away

And this.

I do not enjoy 20 questions, it makes me feel put-upon. And it just...makes the whole conversation feel artificial. I want interaction that's organic, and unique, and fun, and...and...well a lot of things.
10 years

Awkward conversations?

Yes, you usually will end up running into people who give you one word answers or just absolutely no content to your questions.

Though you have to understand the nature of the site. Some people are just looking for certain things. A quick fix, or some attention?

Though actual conversation will always weed out who is worth talking to (if that makes any sense). I found out that the Chatroom is a great place to meet people to talk to. I have made a number of friends on here by just starting to chat there. Hopefully this helps
10 years

Awkward conversations?

If you're putting in the effort to start a conversation/maintain a conversation thread and they're replying with nothing for you to reply off of then they're probably not in to you or they're probably not worth the effort at least in terms of compatibility. Just keep doing what you're doing. Both sides should be equally active in the conversation.
10 years

Awkward conversations?

loopytheone wrote:
I get that a lot as well. Eventually I just give up on them. I am not a demanding person but the least I expect is that you can keep up your side of the conversation, you know?

I promise i can do that ;-)

but i know what you all are talking about i rarely get an answer that´s even more embarassing :-(
10 years

Awkward conversations?

I try to steer the conversation away from feeding. Unless thats what the other person is interested in talking about. There should be some interest from both sides in thr conversation. Otherwise, its only going to get more awkward. Lol
10 years