
The secret handshake...

Ever wanted to check out if your conversation partner is a feeder or feedee? Well, now you can:

I developed an exchange that can show you (and the other person) if you are into feederism, without a doubt and totally safe, without exposing yourself and having to unsafely "lean out of the window". ;-)

I'm curious about your feedback, to further improve it.
10 years

The secret handshake...

Because there's no way that such a focus on a child in a film could be interpreted as a sexual interest in something other than expansion.
10 years

The secret handshake...

I always thought a t-shirt with the flying food image (background image for my site) would be a good ice-breaker.

"Nice t-shirt...I think I may have seen that pattern on line somewhere."

"Yes, I think I have too...where did you see it?"

At the same time, the wearer has deniability if for some reason he/she doesn't want to get into it at that moment:

"Really? I don't know, I just like the shirt. It was a gift."
10 years

The secret handshake...

Well, the flying food shirt is a great idea.
You should print some so we could try them out at one of the meetings ;-)
10 years