
Non-"fetish" hobbies?

Well, being at university, a lot of my free time is taken up with parties, going out, and then recovering.

But, I also play Football & American Football for uni, go skiing twice a year and am in the uni go-kart club.

I've also recently started trying to learn guitar (my housemate insisted on teaching me) and my girlfriend is trying to get me in to video games with varying degrees of success
10 years

Non-"fetish" hobbies?

I do RPG games with friends. Its called gurpa, also I picked up a violin recently. Trying to teach myself. Just nerdy stuff and exercising. Also gaming on computer n Xbox one. Trying to do more off the computer ha
10 years

Non-"fetish" hobbies?

I write, I read a lot (musty old literature, graphic novels, history, manga...) I build models (tanks, planes, robots,) some Warhammer 40k, I make tabletop RPG's and accompanying spreadsheets (I don't know why, but I love making equipment spreadsheets,) and I play some video games here and there, mostly recently Diablo 3, World of Tanks, Kerbal Space Program, and Minecraft.

I used to draw, but a bad teacher shot my confidence out from under me in high school, and I have yet to recover.
10 years

Non-"fetish" hobbies?

I have a 32,000 light Christmas display.
10 years

Non-"fetish" hobbies?

I play in an orchestra and enjoy cycling (perferably mountain biking), mountain climbing, and beer. I live in Colorado where there is a pretty darn good amount of craft brewers and some really good mountains so that makes both the beer drinking and mountain sports easy enough.
10 years

Non-"fetish" hobbies?

Harlequin wrote:
Woodcarving and crafts are a fun hobby of mine. I like making staffs and statues, fairy wands for my daughter, pendants, etc... I also like to nerd out with some Dungeons and Dragons, or Magic The Gathering.

I've done a bit of wood-carving. I can hardly manage to finish them though, mostly carve staves and wands.

Also, D&D nerds unite. And roll initiative.
10 years

Non-"fetish" hobbies?

I'm a hobby investor, buying small mounts of stocks, bonds, etc. Once every few months I wake up and realize that I have a higher net worth than when I went to bed...quite the good feeling, that!
10 years

Non-"fetish" hobbies?

Discord wrote:
i am very much into Medival Re-enactment
i love everything from fighting to just living like they did in the middle ages.
i also love to read play video games and watch movies.

That's awesome dude!
10 years
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