
Self control

I think there's a difference between having an unstoppable compulsion to eat until you've made yourself sick and indulging an appetite that you've purposefully inflated over time through stuffing.

I fall into the latter category, I wouldn't call this sort of eating "total loss of self control" but I feel it could be called "eating with wanton abandon". Just letting all misgiving fall away for a short time and eating until you're sated, and then some, is an activity that I greatly enjoy.
10 years

Self control

loopytheone wrote:
Azrael wrote:
Neither, it's a thing I like.

For me, the whole idea is that someone (not myself as I am a feeder) surrenders control to their desires.

Instead of purposely trying to push their weight as much as possible or controlling it they freely indulge and embrace their desires doing and eating as they wish.

But that's just me.

I must be your dream come true because that is exactly what I do! smiley

not only his ^:-)

although i love the sweet very free eating idea the most i would be somehow very curious about a gf that would try to see if i do things for her like eating more even if i myself wouldn´t anymore .....^^
I just would find it very exciting that my gf knows exactly how to play me if she want´s and i would love to know the same ......

but of course it´s an evenly hot idea to just give someone the possibility and ambience to just indulge and make everything very comfy and easy to let go :-)

and see how much the chubby gainer will indulge and gain i wonder what would i do :_) or to what extent :-)

the topic is really interesting :

I fould find the loss of control interesting you get when having someone around you who who will make it very easy for you to gain weight ^^ and beeing so nice I would either be encouraged or even not realizing how much i gain perhaps but i really can´t say that for sure before having such an relationship i guess......
10 years

Self control

This is an interesting thread, to say the least. I have to agree that having an eating disorder would be awful or another medical condition that causes extreme overeating and weight gain. There are several medical conditions that cause this.
That being said, I have a fantasy of just be able to gorge myself and gain weight, especially getting a huge belly and really fat rear end and thighs, though I am a guy. I have issues when I binge that I never can get really, really full and stuffed. I just seem to stop. I would love to be encouraged to gain weight and not have any societal consequences.

Ned Fox
10 years

Self control

loopytheone wrote:
BigJay wrote:
I think the whole "uncontrollable hunger" thing is a lot like rape fantasy. An outside force "takes away" all control and consent and forces you into doing something.

However...a rape fantasy is just that, a fantasy. The person who is being "raped" has given consent and is creating an elaborate roleplay.

I don't think any feedee wants to have their appetite be truly uncontrollable, and neither would their feeder. It's just a hot fantasy to play with.

This was the point I was trying to make, far more eloquently than I could have done! The idea of losing control might be hot for some people, but as somebody who has actually been there I can tell you that in reality it is anything but.

On another note, I admit I am kinda horrified by the amount of messages I got after posting in this thread from people who obviously read what I put about having an eating disorder and it being terrible but they still want to fetishise my eating disorder. That is horrible to me, to make a fetish out of somebody being physically and psychologically ill. If you want to binge and gain weight that is hot, but real eating disorders are anything but.

Perfectly said.
10 years