Extreme obesity

Breaking furniture

I've broken furniture, but I ain't female.
10 years

Breaking furniture

chicken legs wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
I've broken furniture, but I ain't female.

Really..do tell smiley

I've broken my bed three times, first time wasn't entirely my fault, the other two it was all on me. I was just sitting there on the end of the bed, I don't remember what I was doing at the time but the frame broke and I got dumped to the floor. The frame on that side (both breaks on the same side by the way, first two breaks at the foot of the bed, the last one at the head) has been repaired with Liquid Nails and two bolts.

Aside from the bed I've broken two toilet seat covers, three wooden kitchen chairs, a school desk (I thought I would die of shame after that one), an auditorium seat (again in the middle of class), a sofa, and a recliner.

...I'm hefty...
10 years

Breaking furniture

Hi, I travel a lot in Europe, and
since I got over 150 kg I began to destroy beds in hotels...
I am now 170 kg, but I think hotel has to have good beds too for folk of my weight. I do not see myself as a fat man, but others under ca 100 as skeletons smiley
10 years

Breaking furniture

I have broken a few of those plastic lawn chairs and got stuck in a few too.
10 years

Breaking furniture

-I run jumped into my bed and broke the slats (though it was an old bed)

-Fell back onto the sofa and broke the slats (though it was an old sofa in frequent use.)

-Broken a few office chairs... no excuse on those
10 years