
What to do?! bf is too thin :(

It sounds like he's not wanting to gain.

So you can't make him gain without being a manipulative piece of shit.
10 years

What to do?! bf is too thin :(

A wee bit harsh on the above post... But relatively true.Unless you didn't have a heart to heart, and specifically ask him about the "him gaining weight for you." thing, it's going to come down to what's more important... The person your with, or your desire for the fetish, and finding someone suited to your desires.

It's a difficult decision either way, and what you have now doesn't sound to bad. He seems to kinda roll with it from the way you described. Even if it isn't exactly what you want, can you live with it?
10 years

What to do?! bf is too thin :(

FreightTrain has the right idea - be upfront about it and see what happens.

If you aren't ready to do that, appeal to his competitive side - bake him a large cake or a big batch of cookies and bet him he can't finish the whole thing. Make sure to be paying him lots of attention while he is eating (approving sounds, encouraging belly rubs) and make it clear that his stuffed belly turns you on (I am assuming it does!) If this works, you could move on to something larger like a "hero" sandwich. Get some fresh french break from the store along with his favorite sandwich fixings and say something like "oops, I didn't realize it was going to be this big! I really hope it won't go to waste!"

Just some thoughts, hope it works out!
10 years

What to do?! bf is too thin :(

loopytheone wrote:
Murphy wrote:
It sounds like he's not wanting to gain.

So you can't make him gain without being a manipulative piece of shit.

This, a million times over. I don't see how any one of you on this thread can think it is okay to manipulate somebody into doing something that they don't want to do. It is their body and their decision and trying to trick or manipulate somebody into doing something they don't want to do just because you like to jack off to it is what gives everybody else a bad name. If you respect him as a person and not wank fodder then you will ask him about it and respect his decision either way, not try and trick or manipulate him into changing his body against his wishes.

You just said the magic words..."Against his wishes"...However occasionally going to a buffet/dinner,cooking him a nice big meal or making/having treats around the house is only manipulative if you push him to eat them.Don't say much about the treats or what he does/doesn't eat.You could "offer" him a fresh cookie or a piece of candy but don't be pushy or get upset if he says no.As has been said,talk to him about your feelings but again don't get upset if he declines the idea.Love comes from within & trust is a big part of that love.
10 years

What to do?! bf is too thin :(

dragorat wrote:
occasionally going to a buffet/dinner,cooking him a nice big meal or making/having treats around the house is only manipulative if you push him to eat them.

How is it not manipulative if you're doing this stuff to pursue your own desires over what the other person wants? "You had the opportunity to say no" is a phrase that comes up so often when it comes to domestic abuse that putting someone in that sort of situation can't possibly be anything but wrong.
10 years

What to do?! bf is too thin :(

dizzydaisy wrote:
Murphy is absolutely right! If he doesn't want to gain don't manipulate him into it.

So, no. Don't take any of these suggestions I've been reading. Don't bake him a big cake and "appeal to his competitive side" and bet him to eat all of it. Don't "accidentally" make him a giant sandwich. Don't take him out to eat with the purpose of fattening him up. Or making him fatty treats for that reason. It isn't really a matter of if you push them on him or not if you have ulterior motives.

You want him to gain? Talk to him about it! You know, like someone in a healthy relationship would.

This. Maybe he'll decide to change his body for you after talking with him about it, and maybe he won't. It's his body and his choice about it, and one has to respect that and not manipulate him in any way, even if the manipulation seems minor or harmless. And if he chooses not to gain/etc, then nothing can be done I'm afraid.
10 years

What to do?! bf is too thin :(

If you're a feeder enabling is tantamount secret feeding if your aim is to actively fatten your significant other.

If you want him to get fatter you've got to talk to him about it. If you don't, any action you take with the aim of fattening him up is underhanded and very "not cool".
10 years