
Such a tough experience

My wife has been drinking "green Tea" for around a month now. When I first saw it in the fridge I was like Ok she is trying to lose weight (Damn). I have not brought anything up to her but I have seen some weight loss on her after about a month of drinking plenty of it, nothing dramatic but even 5-7 Lbs. is devastating in my eyes.

I of course was wanting her to gain weight not lose and here it goes in a terrible direction.

The very thought of her getting thinner depresses me, not only because she look's so much better and healthy when she gains weight, but I feel a sense of betrayal almost when she is trying to lose weight. I know it's weird but I totally feel disattatched and betrayed.

Just when I was hoping she would pack on 10-15 Lbs. before bikini season and I wouldn't even be able to take my hands off of her and dream about her all the time.

Any guy feel the same way about this?

Anyone know how much potentially she could lose if she keeps drinking this stuff? I have noticed it definitely has curbed her appetite, because she hardly snacks and eats considerably less during meals.

How fast can her weight come back on if she stops drinking it?

I am so frustrated and I hate the feeling of not even being connected to her through this!

Should I talk to her about it, and if so, how should I approach? She know's I have always wanted her to gain weight but I never bring it up anymore.
10 years

Such a tough experience

Dieting slows the metabolism. Green tea doesn't work anyway. It is very likely she will regain more than she loses.

I disagree about discussing it with her. Let nature take its course.
10 years

Such a tough experience

johnxyz wrote:
Dieting slows the metabolism. Green tea doesn't work anyway. It is very likely she will regain more than she loses.

I disagree about discussing it with her. Let nature take its course.

I hope this will happen! Thanks for your input.
10 years

Such a tough experience

Azrael wrote:
You reap what you sow.

You're a feeder and/or mutual gainer and you're upset that someone is losing weight.

Surely you must have realized that if you have a partner who is not into the whole kink that they may very well desire losing weight.

This is a type of thing that feeders have to consider BEFORE they decide to take a partner who isn't into it.

If you decide to talk to her about it
I would be very mindful about what you say as sometimes feeders will come off as pushy when they talk about this sort of problem.

ANYWAYS beyond talking to her about your feelings the other thing you need to do is be supportive. It is HER BODY HER CHOICE and if she wants to lose weight, you best be supportive.

That's really all I can think about doing.

I don't seem very sympathetic because I view that such a problem should be thought about before you are with someone as this scenario is always a possibility for feeders when they are with someone who isn't a feedee.

I wouldn't call myself a feeder! In fact I like it when my wife gains weight by herself from good eating and over indulging with great meals I take her out to, not to mention snacking and eating desserts. I simply at various times make sure there is enough good food around in the house to allow her to snack.

To top it off I have like three of my close friends always complaining to me that their wives keep getting fatter and fatter and that they need to lose weight. All I wish for is my wife to gain that weight, crazy to think about.

Trust me, any weight my wife gains she just keeps looking hotter and hotter.
10 years

Such a tough experience

Elanor wrote:
Also, as stated before, this is her body. You do not get to decide what weight or size she "ought to be". You have the right to state your desires in a respectful manner, but if the body type you prefer doesn't suit her lifestyle, then you'll just have to deal with that. Bodily autonomy you know. Her body, her life, her choice.

This. End of.
10 years

Such a tough experience

loopytheone wrote:
I completely agree with Azrael. You can't just expect a person to change their body in a certain way because you like it. It is her body and if you have the slightest bit of respect or love for her as anything other than a sex object then you will accept that. And believe it or not, her world does not revolve around you. She is not losing weight to 'spite' you or anything like that. She simply doesn't care that you don't like the fact that she is losing weight. She understands that it is her body and her decision and if you don't like it... tough. The same way I would dump any man that told me I had to lose weight I would immediately dump any man that tried to pressure me into gaining or maintaining my weight when I didn't want to. It is my body and my health, not some man's sexual play thing. If you want to look at somebody who is never going to get any thinner then go sign up to a BBW paysite.

Not to mention that you are a textbook feeder. Nothing wrong with that in itself. But liking your partner gaining weight and trying to manipulate the situation (leaving food around etc as you described in this thread) is the definition of a feeder. You don't have to be sitting their shoving food down a person's throat in order to be a feeder.

Being a feeder is fine and all but not when you try and manipulate or emotionally blackmail somebody into gaining or maintaining weight for your sake. Your partner obviously isn't a feedee and clearly doesn't want to gain weight and if you love her then you will accept that. And if you can't, go and find another girlfriend who is a feedee. Because your thoughts that she is somehow wronging you by losing weight and by not wanting to gain is highly toxic to both her and the relationship. When you think about it you are essentially emotionally blackmailing her into giving up control of her body by saying/acting in a way that says 'if you lose weight then you don't love me'. And that is not okay.

Also, green tea doesn't cause you to lose weight. There is no supplement you can take that will, by itself, cause you to lose weight. Green tea is actually very good for you and I would encourage more people to drink it as it is full of antioxidants that help fight bowel cancer. As my cancer genetics lecturer once said 'you can think what you like about things said to prevent cancer but I work with cancer patients for my career and I drink three cups of green tea a day'.

I have read and understand all your insight and points. Obviously there are many variables and every situation is different even though the main principle is very general and applies simply.

When I was your age unfortunately I had No knowledge of anyone with the same fetish of Weight gain. Not to mention the Internet was not as user friendly as now, or possibly not as much activity. So needless to say I had no idea anyone else liked what I liked with regard to Fat and Weight gain. I simply encountered in my past relationships and with my wife when we were dating that we would eat together all the time and my partners would start to gain some weight and I would tell them how great they looked and in only a few cases tell them that I liked them curvier and I wouldn't mind if they gained more weight. Mind you these were serious relationships with Girlfriends for at least 3 years or more. One of my Girlfriends and my Wife both had a point in their lives in the past were they were heavier so I kind of imagined that would happen again and I would certainly be fine with that.

So when I met my Wife as we were dating I was in love, not only for her physically but for many other factors: Personality, how she carried herself, her caring nature, and maturity. Also, I never knew there would be a girl/women that was turned on by weight gain like me. Many years later I realize their are women that have this same fetish, albeit kind of rare to find a women that you connect on all levels and love and that is into this Fetish.

Yes, it would definitely be much much much easier if my Wife was into this Fetish but she isn't. But I have always imagined that she would really gain a lot of weight and eventually be fine with it with all the love and attention I give her. With that said and I don't know if anyone else can relate to this or has experienced this but when she is heavier she is much more relaxed, softer, gentle and more vulnerable. Now she has never been one to discuss her weight gain a lot but when she is heavier she will start to joke around a bit for example while eating a bag of chocolates she will say something like "well I guess finishing the last of these isn't going to make me any fatter than I already am" . Which obviously I love hearing so I relish in the moments that she would say things like while lying down in bed next to me as she groans "wow, it's hard moving all this extra weight around, Your wife is getting Fat". Also she is more cuddly and less objective of others. When she get's thinner she is less sensitive and has a tendency to comment on others about their weight. She will mention things like "she is getting really big and unhealthy" , so its almost like she changes as a person also.

A perfect example of how different her attitude and reactions are when she is thinner. Her friend gained 20+ Lbs. and I thought she looked great and my wife said "she really needs to get her weight under control, she is getting really big" as opposed to when my wife is heavier she has commented before when the same girl gained around the same amount she said after I commented to my wife "she tends to go up and down a bit but she still look's good I think." So her outlook is totally different. I feel mainstream society has a lot to do with her perception of weight not only on her but others as well.

So, I agree with what you said but I can't say that I feel any different not to mention I want my cuddly, gentler and vulnerable wife back with the weight she one had who doesn't eat like a bird and actually enjoy's eating some great meals not to mention all the desserts she use to enjoy with a passion.

Sorry so long-
10 years

Such a tough experience

what brand of green tee?
pleas don't hate me.
I have a friend that gained 50 lb last year.
She really desperately wants to lose weight.
I like seeing her happy more than I like seeing Her fat.
10 years

Such a tough experience

Something like Pomegranite Green Tea
10 years

Such a tough experience

I appreciate the last two posts....Thank you!

Simply stating my feeling's which is why I would imagine people come to this board as well as support with people who have the same particular fetish/ kink etc.
10 years

Such a tough experience

You should absolutely discuss it with her. In a non-pushy way of course. Just tell her your preferences but don't make a big deal out of it.

Who knows, maybe she's just trying to lose weight to please YOU?

My own case: I married an average-sized woman. She knew about my preferences before we got married, but I'd never made a big deal out of them. Later on she gained weight, and then lost weight, but she voluntarily kept her weight a little higher than she wanted for my sake.

I probably shouldn't give marriage advice since my own marriage ultimately failed, but I do know that people have to compromise in marriage. But it's hard to compromise unless both parties have all the pertinent facts.
10 years
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