
Adam richman's #thinspiration

what a douche
10 years

Adam richman's #thinspiration

I heard about this earlier, the man's a disgrace.
10 years

Adam richman's #thinspiration

So, in the screenshots in that article, he apologised pretty early on for misusing the controversial hashtag. Conveniently, with the later "offensive" tweets, they don't show what he was replying to. The tweets aren't all directed at the same person he was initially engaging with. We have no idea what he was responding to from the others, could have been as bad as (or worse than) what he said. People probably WERE being c*nts to him.

I just searched insta, and #fatspiration is a popular hashtag too. If someone commented on one of those beautiful women's photos saying "that hashtag encourages obesity", I'd say we would all be defending their right to use it. Why can't we just let him lose weight and be happy about it?
10 years

Adam richman's #thinspiration

Officerdog wrote:
So, in the screenshots in that article, he apologised pretty early on for misusing the controversial hashtag. Conveniently, with the later "offensive" tweets, they don't show what he was replying to. The tweets aren't all directed at the same person he was initially engaging with. We have no idea what he was responding to from the others, could have been as bad as (or worse than) what he said. People probably WERE being c*nts to him.

I just searched insta, and #fatspiration is a popular hashtag too. If someone commented on one of those beautiful women's photos saying "that hashtag encourages obesity", I'd say we would all be defending their right to use it. Why can't we just let him lose weight and be happy about it?

We actually do know what he was responding to, and it definitely didnt warrant encouraging people to commit suicide

the term thinspiration is used in the pro ana community to encourage restrictive eating and harmful behaviours

fatspiration is used in the fat positivte community to encourage people of all sizes simply to love their bodies

huge difference

and no ones saying he shouldnt lose weight and be happy about it , people are saying he shouldnt use hashtags that promote harmful practices or insult people online and tell them to kill themselves ..
10 years

Adam richman's #thinspiration

loopytheone wrote:

All I can say is that I hope someday somebody very close to him commits suicide

10 years

Adam richman's #thinspiration

Officerdog wrote:
People probably WERE being c*nts to him.

It's totally ***y behavior to say "this is problematic and causes harm, here's why, don't do it please".

I'm also friends with three of the women who had direct interaction here and can vouch for their honesty on this one. Stop trying to defend Richman, who responded to polite messages asking him not to use #thinspiration by telling people that he didn't give a ***.
10 years

Adam richman's #thinspiration

- Lost weight, cuteness impacted

- But that doesn't matter, because it turns out that he's an absolutely ugly person on the inside anyway

It looks like it's time to forget his name.
Wow indeed.
10 years

Adam richman's #thinspiration

bellyfeeder wrote:
Some people need to commit suicide, all they need is a little push.

...are you ***ing serious right now?
10 years

Adam richman's #thinspiration

bellyfeeder, go away and do not return until you've had a long talk with a therapist or psychiatrist about your complete lack of empathy.
10 years

Adam richman's #thinspiration

bellyfeeder wrote:
And in case you have wondered, I am one of those people who have had to deal with the aftermath of a suicide after they decided stepping in front of a train was the answer. As such, those who commit suicide have very little sympathy from me. The families on the other hand, are those who deserve every help and support possible.

Someone's been pushed to the point where they honestly feel that ending their own lives is honestly the only logical option...

...and clearly, the people who have to deal with the psychological trauma of coming across/being involved with the act are the ones who need the most help, because the suicide victim was "selfish."

How does it feel to be part of the problem, good sir?

And, just in case you felt your bad experiences with picking up the pieces of the aftermath of a suicide victim's final act gave you the right feel the way you do; I've been there, as well.
And it didn't make me a terrible person for it.
10 years
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