
Nothing more disheartening

This topic is as old as men not getting responses from women when they try to talk to them, period.
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

I sometimes get messages from men on this and other sites. I used to try to answer them, but they got too pushy and too annoying. So, I stopped replying to men

They fall under two categories: 1)Men who want me to be into men. I don't care if anyone is gay, but I am not gay, and I don't want to have to try to defend myself for being straight, and being told I should change.

2)Men who want me to discuss my wife (a BBW but not into gaining and a very private person) or someone who wants me to send them picture of women who sent me pictures in private.
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

joswitch wrote:

QFT. In fact this whine is so old, bottles of it were found in Pharoah Tutenkamen's tomb.

The translated hieroglyphs read:

"Lo! The Nile hath risen and fallen and risen and fallen again, yet Pthothet hath still not replied unto mine message! I am wroth, and filled unto the brim with woe, like unto a canopic jar of brains. Yay and verily, I shall go and smite the Hittites and get it out of mine system." smiley

I wish I was able to up-vote such witty posts, though unfortunately I can't.

It pretty much comes down to this- no one is entitled to a response.

That's it! Instead of sending messages, interact with other uses in the chatroom or shoutbox. Its funny how you can start to receive messages and make friends on here when you interact with others.
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

TheBlackWizards wrote:

What do you even hope to achieve with this forum post? Sympathy? You look like a bloody cretin, man! "Oh boo hoo. Woe is me. I sent someone a message and they didn't reply. No one loves me. Im just not good enough". GROW UP.

If only the sentiment were "Oh woe is me, I'm not good enough." Sadly it comes over mostly as "I'm awesome, I'm not the flawed one here - those who don't reply are rude and ungrateful." At no point do the whiners wonder whether they're not good enough. There's very little self-reflection and quite a lot of blaming others.

Otherwise, agree entirely, TheBlackWizards smiley
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

The OP merely stated "nothing more disheartening" then not getting a reply to a message. Ok, an exaggeration, there are many things a lot more disheartening, nevertheless it is a little disheartening. Nothing wrong in being big enough to admit it. I'm sure he will survive to message another day.

He then goes on to ask "Is it to much to ask for a simple no or not interested." Yes, it is.
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

I love that these threads still pop up! amuse me every time!
9 years
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