Fat experiences

All you can eat

softly wrote:
Ive never been to one!!!! Who will take me to one of these magical plate refilling places! smiley

As much as I would enjoy watching you devour everything in the place (and perhaps joining in,) it cannot be: To my understanding you are taken, and a gentleman does not poach smiley
10 years

All you can eat

I remember my first "all you can eat" experience!

I was probably about 9 years old, and was going through a slightly chubby period. I wasn't fat by any means, but I think I had a little bit of a belly. I do recall my doctor telling my mom I was "getting a bit heavy" after a checkup.

Anyway, we went out to an all you can eat place for some sort of occasion, and the concept was totally bizarre for me. I loved the idea of being able to go back for more and more - despite being a kid who never really wanted to clear his plate in restaurants. I loaded up my first plate with a decent amount, and managed to clear off the plate. When I went back for 2nds, my parents were like "are you sure? don't take more if you're not going to eat it."

Then I went back for 3rds and 4ths. I recall thinking I went back for a 9th plate at one point - which I question the authenticity of - but I did go up for several helping of both dinner and dessert. My parents seemed mystified as to where I was putting the food - as I was a mere 4'3" and a hair under 70 pounds. I finished off with an ice cream and a slice of cake.

I remember the car ride home. I was "dressed up" for the dinner, meaning a shirt tucked in with a belt... and I felt absolutely stuffed into those clothes. It was kind of a feeling of both guilt and pleasure.

Sadly, I remember asking several times if we could go back there again, but we never did. smiley
9 years