
The wall test

thinkittyfeedu wrote:
The Only Weigh is Essex wrote:
thinkittyfeedu wrote:
Breasts first, but ima skinny girl who is just top heavy ^_^
This Site needs a like button! But my belly touches first. I must admit my feet were further away than I expected!

Indeed "Like" smiley

Another like for "top-heavy skinny girls". From one proven "Wall Test Success" to another.
11 years

The wall test

Belly is touching the wall first! the gap is widening each day smiley
10 years

The wall test

Just this morning I checked, my belly and feet touch. This is an improvement, since my feet touch first. I did try the reverse and my butt touched several inches before my heels did!
10 years

The wall test

My toes and belly touch at the exact same time... What does that mean, because I'm not exactly skinny, my belly is quite plump :/
10 years

The wall test

feedee wrote:
My toes and belly touch at the exact same time... What does that mean, because I'm not exactly skinny, my belly is quite plump :/

It's not a serious test, since people gain weight so differently. Some very large women flunk the Wall Test, presumably because they gain more in the hips, butt and thighs than anywhere else.

About its only use is as a personal milestone.
10 years

The wall test

jennanut wrote:
SexyPhat wrote:
thinkittyfeedu wrote:
Breasts first, but ima skinny girl who is just top heavy ^_^ hooters has a wall like this and you get a free shirt if ur bazooms touch first; wish I hadn't been too shy to try.

Free Clothes, sign me up!

An "I passed the Wall Test!" shirt?? I like it!

Who would wear one in public?
10 years

The wall test

Kissy the Amazon wrote:
I passed (or failed depending on who's grading this test) Belly touches first, breasts about an inch behind, toes though -I no idea as I can't see them

If you CAN'T touch your toes to the wall, you PASS.
10 years

The wall test

ladyinme wrote:
i made the wall test, take a look at my pics smiley

10 years

The wall test

MrsJellyBelly wrote:
I tried today and my belly brushes the wall when my toes barely touch the wall.

Nice start though!
10 years

The wall test

belly first obviously
10 years
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