Story authors

"searching for a story" thread

mintchipchic wrote:
I found a story about a year ago, and I've been looking for it ever since but haven't been able to find it. It was about a girl who experiences something like Groundhog Day on Thanksgiving, as in she lives Thanksgiving over and over, and she slowly starts to gain more and more weight so that by the end she wakes up and bursts out of her pjs and everyone else is shocked to see that she's gained so much weight seemingly overnight. If anyone could point me in the direction of this story I would be incredibly grateful!!

At least I'm not the only one that is looking for that story!
10 years

"searching for a story" thread

Ok, so I've been trying to find this story I read on FantasyFeeder about a year or so ago. It was about this thin girl in her last few days of work at this lab where they were developing this feeding machine for patients in a coma. The young woman sneaks into the lab at night, straps on one of the masks hooked up to the feeding machine and turns it on. It starts forcing the supplement into her making her gain weight rapidly, only for it to malfunction and go into drain mode leading to her gaining an extreme amount of weight. The story was written incredibly well. If any one out there has it, I would be eternally grateful if you would share it with me.
10 years

"searching for a story" thread

oh that sounds so perfectly sexy for my tastes hehe i would love to read that story ^^

please tell me if you ever find it ;-) will ya ;-)
pleeease ^^
10 years

"searching for a story" thread

I am looking for a story that is about a guy named Roy I think and he moves in with his rich cousins for the summer. One cousin is named Howie I think. His cousins are super fat and they have an elevator. He gains a lot of weight with them and their friends. There is a sequel where they go to college.
9 years

"searching for a story" thread

I figured it out the stories I was looking for are called
A Visit of Discovery
Fat Fresher's Syndrome
By Non Serviam on DM Forums
9 years

"searching for a story" thread

So i think this one was called something like "submissive piggies" and was about a rich woman who had a contact with a women to let her fatten her up, but realized she was getting so large she was going to have to keep her after the contract. in the second installment she got a new chubby blonde assistant and decided to make her a new piggy too. It was great because it had a nice balance between consensual and force feeding. BDSM and piggy play at it's finest. Anyone know where it is???
9 years

"searching for a story" thread

I found a story about a year ago, and I've been looking for it ever since but haven't been able to find it. It was about a girl who experiences something like Groundhog Day on Thanksgiving, as in she lives Thanksgiving over and over, and she slowly starts to gain more and more weight so that by the end she wakes up and bursts out of her pjs and everyone else is shocked to see that she's gained so much weight seemingly overnight. If anyone could point me in the direction of this story I would be incredibly grateful!!
9 years

"searching for a story" thread

Hi all. A while ago, I read a story about a couple on holiday who were given the opportunity to house sit (I think) or live in another couple's house, but it was all a ploy to fatten them for Xmas (or maybe thanksgiving) dinner. Any ideas?

Thank you.
9 years

"searching for a story" thread

I'm looking for a story that drove me wild. They were written by a woman who wrote about 3-4 stories on here and then deleted her account a couple months ago. I can't remember their titles, but one was about a woman living in New York who had a wealthy boyfriend who paid her rent, bought her clothes, and reveled in the fact that he was plumping her up. If anyone has this story saved or knows where I could find it, please message me!
9 years

"searching for a story" thread

Looking for a story that seems to have vanished from the board recently. A male lawyer was being blackmailed by someone he met on video chat to continue fattening up; author also had a story about an explorer being fattened my native girls. but both seem to be missing.
9 years
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