
Dealing with your doctor

I agree with Elanor. Find A new therapist that helps instead of that isn't will to understand and help you with whatever you need.

Have you tried googling fat friendly doctors? I remember seeing something ages ago about a list of fat friend doctors. Maybe find a doctor that can help you with what you after?
10 years

Dealing with your doctor

I think this is the list I was thinking off

Im not sure how up to date it is. Or if there is one near you.

Also if your not on tumblr I would have a look as there. There is a lot more information floating around on tumblr than I find on forums about being healthy and fat.
10 years

Dealing with your doctor

BFJ, you might consider using the herbal supplement Fenugreek. It's got some documented health benefits with regards to helping your body process blood glucose. It also aids digestion and can reduce acne. So all around pretty good (I've been taking Fenugreek daily for several weeks now)
10 years

Dealing with your doctor

chubbyhoney wrote:
I am sick of seeing this incorrect assertion that fat = unhealthy and thin = healthy - there is no such thing as a 'healthy weight'. And from someone training to be a Doctor no less..

Lifestyle choices are much more important than a number on a scale.
10 years

Dealing with your doctor

I can think of worse ways to go.
10 years

Dealing with your doctor

Since this thread is straying into pro-weight loss territory, however worthily, I'm shutting it down.
10 years