Fat experiences

Fit to fat

2008:168lbs,32"waist,daily gym attendance,low fat foods.
2014:266lbs,46"waist,no gym ever,lots of fatty,fried food.
Yeah,it's me!
10 years

Fit to fat

I do know what it is like to go from fit to fat. I was a cut, athletic 150 pounds who was active with sports and running. I'm now at a gluttonous 285. I know the first 50 pounds was not too life changing but did get a lot of comments. People now just think of me as always being fat. As far as life changes. I am a lot slower and eat 3x much more than before. At 150 I could sprint to the bus or up several flights of stairs if I was running late. Now as I approach 300 I'm reaching that level where being fat affects my everyday life. I need to allocate extra time to get somewhere or wait for the elevator. It's not as easy to just squish myself in a corner of a crowded room and booths are quickly becoming a thing of the past. I have also found myself associated with a more sedentary crowd than the active weekend warriors I use hang with. Overall, I would not change a thingsmiley
10 years

Fit to fat

I am 5' 3" and use to be 115lbs. Was very activity in high school and college sports. I kept the fitness thing going until I was 30. Unfortunately, getting a job that works me long hours at a time doesn't give me a lot of free time to exercise. I am still 5'3' but I have expand my body to a new size of 180lbs. I feel different but love how I look. Really hate shopping for clothes and can't trade clothes with my sis.
10 years

Fit to fat

Wonderful thread here, thank you all for sharing.
I have gained around fifteen pounds in the last two years. I finished my military reserve service in 2013 and I have been eating what I want and as much as I want ever since. I was held to a pretty strict weight standard in the military, it is such a relief not to have worry about my weight anymore, I love sticking out my growing belly and my fat butt.
9 years

Fit to fat

I used to run about 40 miles per week and was about 170 lbs at my fittest. Now I am at my heaviest at 235 lbs (make that 248 lbs as of March 2015). I stay active but certainly couldn't run that much anymore. On the way to my current weight, I fluctuated between 185 and 210 trying to regain my fitness, but have mostly given in and now cant seem to stay below 230 for very long.
9 years

Fit to fat

this is me. I was a football player in high school, a linebacker in the gym lifting 4 days a week, running all the time too. I was a big eater but a healthy one, I had alot of grilled chicken, fish and things of that nature. Breakfast was always oatmeal and egg whites, only occasionally would I eat fast food that wasnt subway. At 5 11 I was a muscular 190. I quit football my senior year due to knee problems and lack of interest. I started focusing on tech theatre and programming classes. I remained the heavy eater I was and still worked out, though only maybe two days a week. I had always had feedist fantasies but with football they took a backseat. Slowly but surely, my habits began to slip. Fast food became more common, and getting a restaurant job at chilis didnt help. Before I knew it I was eating at chilis every day I went into work (sometimes twice). I started smoking bud and my eating increased exponentially. Every day I ate some kind of takeout or fast food. At home id smoke, get bad munchies and stuff myself with pizza bagels and oreos and mounds of junk. I cant remember the last time I went to a gym. Im sitting at 330 now a mere 1 and a half years after graduation, and I have no plans of slowing down and getting bigger. Cant wait for the 5 year reunion (:
9 years

Fit to fat

I used to be fit and reasonably athletic. I skiied in the winter, played squash, etc. I haven't done either of those in the last few years.

Gaining 50+ lbs this year has been a big change, though. I didn't used to think about going up and down stairs, and now I find myself thinking ahead, to minimize the number of trips I will have to take!

Walking is ok, stairs though... phew!
9 years

Fit to fat

Had a few eye-openers recently about how fat and less fit I've been getting in the last few months...

First was walking to a restaurant on Friday night. I walk regularly in an effort to stay a little active, and last year (ie: 50 lbs or more ago) I had no issues walking to this place, less than a mile away...

But this time I was winded! If there was a place to sit and rest, I would have used it. And I can really feel my belly wobbling back and forth now while I walk, which makes me think my next weigh-in will be a big number. smiley

The other thing was at the pool yesterday - I try to go every weekend for a swim. I missed the last few weeks due to traveling, however.

Swimming was no big deal - it's nice to feel the weight taken off your body as you float about. But when I tried to climb up the ladder, I felt so heavy! My arms could hardly tug me out, it felt like the water was holding onto my fat, trying to pull it back into the pool!

Enjoying these changes as they happen!
9 years

Fit to fat

When I got married I was 175 lbs. and the weight crept up after that. After numerous diets where I always gained back the weight, I decided some time ago to never diet again and enjoy all the food the world has to offer. I slowly gained 130 lbs. over a 12 year period and have been over 300 lbs. ever since. I have embraced the fat life and found I really enjoyed gaining weight. Food and fat are now my passions.
9 years

Fit to fat

Precisely! Gaining should be a pleasurable experience and completely a willing one. It's more relaxing anyway to be with someone who is confident about themselves.
9 years
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