
Since what age?

I'm a guy, as one might surmise from my profile picture. And I've known I was a gainer since I was 13. Though I had already noted my "fat dreams" earlier.

(By the time I realized/accepted/figured out it was a thing to be a gainer I'd had dreams where I got fattened to ridiculous sizes by Crysta the Fairy from Fern Gully for almost as long as I could remember)
10 years

Since what age?

I'm a twenty year-old female. Since moving to the United States right before high school I've been a good eater. I did not start to grow curves until college.
10 years

Since what age?

I think I've had a latent fascination with girls stuffing and overeating since I was about 5 or 6. I'd stuff pillows in my shirt and get a sort of vicarious thrill imagining a girl being that stuffed.

I used to draw stuffing-oriented scenarios as a kid as well. I felt compelled to draw them, and intuitively kept them a secret. I eventually accidentally "discovered" masturbation around 11 due to these drawings.

I probably discovered the online "community" a few years later, back when dial-up was high tech.
10 years

Since what age?

Male 57...I've been bigger than normal all my life.I was taught & encouraged to enjoy food & be happy with myself.People who look at me & make comments just make me smile because I am who I am.
10 years

Since what age?

Elanor wrote:
40 - female - gaining
I've been aware of my desire to gain weight since early puberty, but I've been closeted for most of my adult life. Didn't start actively gaining until about 18 months ago.
why did you wit do long
10 years

Since what age?

Why did you wait for so long
10 years

Since what age?

26 years old, female, into stuffing. I remember first episodes of stuffing when I was about 11. Started to stuff myself regularly when I was about 21 and started gaining when I was 23.
10 years

Since what age?

46 year old guy, been fascinated with fat, food, weight gain and feasting since I can remember ( seriously, I was contemplating the meaning of the nursery rhyme Jack Spratt before kindergarten, then once I could read I stumbled on The Pumpkin Giant and knew that I'd never have what they had, but that I longed for it.)

But I didn't really do substantial stuffing--as opposed to deliberate long term over eating-- until my mid 20s
10 years

Since what age?

So hi Bloaty ^^ here is your answer and it´s nice you are, too from Germany :-)

39 years old
- male -

- I tried bloating without knowing the word for it :_) with the age of 15 or 16 with lots and lots of water -

- only later i tried to gain a few by stuffing myself full of sweets and iceream and food -

and now i like to have a full belly even gaining e few and thinking about a nice realtionship where i gain a little more over time than my gf who likes to tempt me to eat and tease me about a softer belly in a sweet way :-)
10 years

Since what age?

Male: 60 years old. I have been fascinated by weight gain/overeating/stuffing since pre-puberty (10-12 years old). Causally gaining now, up to 215 lbs. giving me a BMI of 30 clinically obese, yeah!
10 years
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