
Getting your so into fat

YoMan wrote:
Another thread I saw today sparked this post about getting your partner on board with fat-love. Not about weight gain per se, but it includes elements of it.

When I first met my girlfriend 3 years ago, she definitely didn't like my chub, but didn't say anything right away. After a month or so, she said, "Did you ever think about doing some crunches?"

It was actually tactful, looking back - it wasn't like "I'm not attracted to your body as it is." It was a suggestion and a hint, not meant to hurt feelings.

I did crunches for, what, two days, and that was that.

Long story short, as we got to know each other and fell deeply in love or whatever you wish to call it, she started to love my fat.

I knew a corner had been turned when we were on a plane and I leaned forward to get something and my t-shirt came up in back. I felt a hand on one of my love handles. I stayed bent over while she gently ran her hand over it, squeezed it a few times, gave it a small shake, then gently slid away.

I straightened up, completely turned on. She saw what her touch did to me and from then on, she was all over my fat.

In the car, she would slide a hand into my shirt, find one of my moobs and squeeze, caress, lift and drop it and shake it. If she wanted sex, she knew all she had to do was get in bed with me, grab my stomach with both hands and shake it squeeze it poke it stroke it, and I would be ready in less than 60 seconds. She'd found my hot button and worked it. Wow.

Whereas with my previous partner, I asked her to grab me and she did, but it wasn't with committment or a real understanding of what I was asking her to do, and I ended up saying forget it because A) It didn't work and smiley It was embarrassing. The woman I talk about above completely understood, and once she got on board, we were just sick into each other. Still are.

At the same time, she got behind her own weight gain - my weight stayed the same, she gained about 30 pounds - and got volcanically turned on when I shook her belly rolls and her own love handles.

I think sometimes people are looking for a fat person or a feeder or feedee, 1,2,3, on line or wherever, and they want to go from zero to stuffing someone and putting 100 pounds on them in 5 minutes. I've been there, too.

But maybe there is someone special out there you can find, and then slowly integrate whatever your fat pleasure is over time, and before you know it you have a partner you really love and who you also can explode with when the time is right.

Oh my that was hot ;_)

yeah maybe even those things exist ^^ would be evenly nice to discover maybe even better like a christmas present ...:_)
10 years

Getting your so into fat

Really like your post!

I agree that sometimes over time things change....or even that the girl was slightly insecure before about even liking the little amount of Fat....or simply they learned to like it after they fell in Love.

So many variables I guess. My wife has changed when we first met till now and then she goes slightly back and forth which confuses me even more.

When we were dating she told me a similar thing after I got more into weight lifting. She mentioned she would like it if I was more cut up, lean and had ripped abs......this was after I put on a lot of bulk muscle and started getting a bigger belly...."muscle chub".

As years went on after we were married she mentioned after I got a bit fat.....that I should watch it a bit....meaning my fat belly.

One time, She seemed so intranced by a friend of ours who gained a lot of weight and developed a huge jiggly belly. She was slightly buzzed and repeatedly grabbed and jiggled it. I thought after that maybe she really like a Fat gut but was to shy to admit it before.

Several years after this.....I started gaining weight and decided to intentionally gain as much as I could to see how she responded. She didn't say a thing for the first 35+ Lbs. and it was clearly obvious....I could barely reach over to tie my shoes with my big Fat belly getting in the way. I kept eating and getting bigger. I would try and and get her to say something by wearing t shirts around that didn't fit anymore with my gut hanging out the bottom...and these were my XL's. I would go in for a kiss and say goodbye and my big gut would barely allow us to touch lips while my gut would be pushing us away...with every bit of my Fatness of belly right into her.

She only commented a couple times during my Fattest when she was intoxicated and it seemed as though she loved it by poking fun at me while she grabbed and jiggled my belly and then cupped my chest and shaked it commenting I don't remember all this stuff.

I am still confused because not just 3 weeks ago she mentioned about a big guy we both saw together...."if you got that big I would be disgusted" and send you to a Fat camp. Granted he was Fat, wobbly and out of shape while a become more of a Fat Muscle Chub as I get bigger....but I don't know....still confused.
10 years