
Feeling unwanted

Lately I've been feeling more lonely, less wanted, and less included. Not just around here but, everywhere, in every part of my life.

Woop, woop, here comes another down-turn in my self esteem.
9 years

Feeling unwanted

I feel your pain man. For sure. I have two or three really close friend who hardly say much to me anymore, though it's probably because I moved away for 10 years.

But yo man, don't ever hesitate to hit me up if you wanna bullshit or need an ear. Us big people need to stick together and feel loved! haha
9 years

Feeling unwanted

I feel for you too and I know what it's like. My friends are all in relationships and although I know they are there it does seem like the odd phone call and get together when they have time. My best friends these days are my TV, PC and iPhone.

When I was a kid we lived in a community now days I don't think such a thing exists and people just get home from work and close there door on the world until the next day. Also people are so easy to piss off these days that you can lose a friend just by being honest in what you say.

I hope things pick up for you I really do, it's horrible feeling alone, when all you want is someone to talk to, a hug every now and then and someone to be there to pick you up when you are feeling down.

Be positive though, things will pick up and I'm sure you will get want you want eventually.
9 years

Feeling unwanted

Yeah, it just feels harder sometimes. Most times I at least have my online friends to lean on but just lately few of them have been available. So I guess I'm feeling it more acutely now than I have in the past.

Thanks for your posts, I feel better now than I did when I posted this thread smiley
9 years

Feeling unwanted

Hang in there. We all have bad times to get through now and then.
9 years

Feeling unwanted

The Only Weigh is Essex wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
Yeah, it just feels harder sometimes. Most times I at least have my online friends.....

That's your problem, online friends are fine but they are no match for the real thing. Try and get out more, join a a local club, go to local bars, just get out and about and you'll soon make friends.

I'm not one for the bar or club scene really. Those sorts of places make me uncomfortable, and are generally more expensive than I can afford anyway.

Mostly I feel like that sense of isolation came from my internship (which ended yesterday) limiting my potential for social activity basically to just Saturday.
9 years

Feeling unwanted

I am so used to being alone that it doesn't even bother me anymore. I live on my computer I have my online friends I talk to, when I feel like being online As for real friends I haven't seen any of them in nearly a year and half and it doesn't bug me. No cell phone anymore either.
9 years

Feeling unwanted

Imagine what it was like before the internet!It was a thousand times really was!
I 'know' people and have a job that keeps me busy and have online friends,but no friends really that I can hang out with.It's the same for a lot of people.
You're not alone!smiley
9 years